CHAPTER 15: The big dinner Party!

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Kylie's 13th birthday dinner is fun.

Yes, that's mainly due to Lori's 'happy juice' that I have been drinking since speaking to my boss and then meeting his actual mother.

I know almost every Henry under the sun is my boss but I am talking about Dr Henry. The boss I live with, who looks very unhappy for some reason.

I noticed it first when I walked in. Kylie ran into my arms and Dr Henry's eyes darkened. When I went to greet him, he didn't hesitate to brush his mother onto me.

I tried to ignore it but he actually looked more annoyed the longer we were alone together. His hooded eyes only softened when he asked about my hand but after that, the hunter gaze intensified.

Usually I wouldn't take it personally because men and their egos and my history with Dr Henry has proven how indifferent he can be but we hugged. It felt like we were raising the white flag and finally on common ground. That and I am literally paid by him to care but he told me to leave and I did.

It hurt but I did.

Now we're sitting across from each other and he looks irritated by his view of me.

"Try this," Lori puts a blue shot with floating pepper shavings in front of me. "It's delicious and spicy, like us."

"Thanks," I shoot it back and I swear Dr Henry's hand flinches when I put down the empty tiny glass and his hunter eyes get darker.

Honestly? It's kind of hot.

Especially with his fresh haircut and beard trim. His sleeked back wavy hair is sexy mainly due to the few strands that are falling over his forehead but it's also freaking me out.

It's like superman turned into a secret mafia leader—hot and exciting but also very scary and mostly annoying.

"You smell amazing." Mrs. Henry who insists I call her Josephine sits next to me with a fresh glass of rosé.

With every dark murderous gaze her youngest son gives me, she makes up for it with that motherly smirk that I sense means more than meets the eye.

"Thank you, coincidently it's called good girl." I cross my utensils to signal for the next course.

The salad was nice but I am ready for some real food. With all the day prepping, I haven't had anything solid since breakfast and there is no way I am eating tiny bread.

It's like a gateway calorie.

"Good girl?" Josephine's laugh is hearty. "You don't say," I am glad she at least gets my jokes.

"Yeah, I have a tiny version in my purse." I wipe my hands, "do you want to try it?"

I pull out a mini perfume atomizer and she lights up in a way I have never seen on either of her sons. At least now I know where Alek gets his dimples.

But I am not surprised she is taking a liking to me. Parents usually love me, that's why I went into child care but I think it's mainly because of the accent and my natural nerdy nature.

"Oh you're a doll but I doubt my son would want his mother smelling like his—" she sniffs but gets interrupted by someone coughing.

"Mother, are you ready for the main course?" Dr Henry speaks up and Josephine snorts, they share an intense gaze conversation as the waiters switch out our plates.

Neither of them finished their tiny bowl of soup with a side of dumplings.

"Anyway, where do you school? You're a drama major, right?" Josephine sips her glass of wine, just as I cut into my chicken.

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