CHAPTER 7: Sense & Sensibility

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Dr Henry is...smiling again?

I have never seen him smile so potently before but it instantly makes him look years younger and finally, I see the resemblance between him and Ashton.

The way both their eyes crinkle and become 10x smaller as the curve of his perfectly shaped lips turns up. It's a really nice smile but it doesn't show any of his teeth unlike Ashton's.

Who am I kidding? It's better than Ashton's because it shows dimples I didn't know he had because they are not as heady due to his dark beard.

But I can now confidently say, he is definitely the baby brother.

I look at Dr McKenna again and she is still gorgeous. And nice and gentle and man, I hate how tight my chest is right now as I watch them.

She gets to call him Alek. She gets to hug him and touch him and even see him smile, she even got to taste his amazing food before me and no surprise he is great cook while I just—again—made a fool of myself.

I felt an attraction to Dr Henry that first day he walked in on

I wrote it off as a normal reaction because the man is gorgeous but as my chest contracts from seeing him smile, I am beginning to see it might be something more.

I thought I was touching electricity the moment his hand wrapped around my thigh and the fear that was quickly gripping me disappeared as he played one of my favorite songs.

I saw kindness in his eyes for the first time too, how as I relaxed, he became more tense for some reason but I didn't want him to let me go. His touch kept me sane and stopped even the pain that was scorching my hand.

Did I imagine it? The fire that ignited in his eyes when I held on to him as the needle pierced my palm.

I am not a whiny person but needles are my one thing and I hate how that fear got the best of me, especially in front of Dr Henry.

He hasn't even looked at me since Dr McKenna wrapped up and I honestly don't want him to. I look like a sobbing mess who is becoming a little loopy from the injection.

"Goodnight Holly," I kiss her face after my meal and retreat to my room where she is sadly not allowed.

When I pull out my phone, 3 missed calls and 4 messages are on the screen from Vecker.

"Hello," I fall back on the bed.

"Jesus, Jessica." Odessa hisses, "I've been trying to reach you. Are you okay? Do you need me to come and get you? How bad is the burn?"

"I just saw the doctor." I look at my wrapped hand. "It was a first degree burn, no need to come."

She is already requesting to switch to FaceTime.

"Let me see," she leans into the camera. "You are a good actor so I don't trust a word you say."

I sit up and switch on the bedside lamp.

"Happy?" I wave my hand and she sighs in actual relief. "Can I go now? She gave me something strong and I think it's starting to kick in."

I feel drunk and I want to enjoy it.

"Okay but text me tomorrow with an update, I still need proof of life."

"I love you," I soften.

I love how she still cares for me despite all the bad things I have done to her, her best friend and her twin brother.

"Love you too," she catches the kiss I blow her and I pass out after that.

When I come to be, the room is dark and Holly is sleeping next me as a cold hand stays on my forehead. I try to open my eyes but I'm too groggy and end up falling back to sleep.

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