CHAPTER 50: Hate, the other 4-letter words

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"Dad?" I really hope I am hallucinating as we pass the food court.

Since we decided to go somewhere sunny, Aleksander and I had to do some last minute shopping which is just an excuse for me to get him a birthday present before we fly out.

"What?" Aleksander tries to follow my eyes but looks around to show he has no idea who I am referring to so I walk.

I walk closer to the pizza hut seating area and he is there, having a slice with lemonade as he reads a book.

My own father, Dr Harry Beerbottom.

"Dad." I call but he remains still. "Seriously, you're going to ignore me?"

"Hello Jess-Ann," my father doesn't even look at me.

Worse, he looks past me to acknowledge Dr Henry's presence which is closely behind mine.

"What are you doing in America? How long have you been in Oakwood?" I take the empty seat next to him as Aleksander remains standing behind me.

"Loren made me come after she heard your voicemail," my father tells the book in his hands. "I am flying out tomorrow night."

"I don't understand," my head and heart are competing for largest noise in my body.

"Neither do I Jess-Ann," my father replies. "I went to your school, to cover your pending fees and housing only to find out that they are already covered. Not only that but you have a benefactor too."


"I don't understand," I repeat as I feel my hands start to shake.

"You're whoring yourself out to stay in America?" He practically spits and Dr Aleksander steps forward but I stand to stop him. "You have gone too far this time," my father finally looks up at me.

"I don't understand," I sound like a broken record but there's nothing else to say because I do not understand.





"Let me make it simple then," my father removes his wallet and takes out bills like the last time he walked out on me. "You are dead to me, act like Loren, my son and I are dead to you because you are to us now."

He drops the money on the table.

"Have a nice life Jess-Ann," Dr Beerbottom walks away just like before but this time my eyes are not blurred with tears as I watch his back.

Let's recap shall we:

Alone 2 days before Christmas after a miscarriage, I got drunk, stumbled into the bathroom with my phone and called who I thought was my father. I begged for his help according to Isaac but no matter what, he didn't answer the phone which means the answering machine recorded it and Loren, heard it.

He came to America but not for me, he was going to leave without even seeing me and probably asked around and realized what's been happening which is all true because I am sleeping with my benefactor.

I am also in love with my boss who is 6 years older than me and I did just lose his baby.

Normally, losing my father all over again would break me, honestly it took me out the first time but nothing has ever come close to that morning where blood was covering my sheets.

No pain will ever surpass the night on Christmas as I stood alone in a hospital bed. Lori said once that the reason she was so kind to me the first time we met was because she didn't want me thinking I was weak.

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