CHAPTER 20: Burning Fervor

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I'm drunk.

Not just any drunk but the happy type of drunk that chases the guilt away and makes me feel like a butterfly—pretty and free.

I just wish I was demolishing a plate of hot wings with my girls but I'm full from dinner and Odessa is probably asleep considering its almost 2am.

"Holly!" I beam when she comes running to me instead of Mr. Grumpy, who mind you hasn't said a word to me in hours. "Hi baby, hello."

I lean down to pat her head and like a true golden retriever, she excitedly jumps and plays with me.

"Holly bed." Dr Grumpy pats his lap and she walks away whimpering.

"Meanie." I grumble.

"What was that?" Dr Henry throws his jacket on the couch I stumble on and undoes his cuffs.

He rolls the sleeves of his shirt up the same time I fumble with the clasp of my heels and is done by the time the beautiful death traps are off my feet.

They were still worth it.

You know what wasn't? Dinner with my grumpy boss who somehow managed to get in a worse mood the longer we stayed at the restaurant.

The moment Julio texted so I could save his number, he handed me my purse and gloves and told me to get up. Leaving everyone behind as I left with takeaway martini that Lori stuck in my hand.

"You'll need it," she advised and she was right.

Dinner was in the city which means for the hour long car ride back, Aleksander was pouting, frowning and eventually confiscated my large cup before I was done. With every stare the driver gave us, his jaw ticked.

Everything annoyed him but I was definitely high on that list.

"Jessica." Dr Henry actually growls like an animal, "I asked you a question."

I roll my eyes.

"It was nothing Dr Henry, I'm sorry Dr Henry." I exhale and the room actually spins when I stand.

I rub my hair like I am looking at a complicated math problem because I underestimated my alcohol intake. I can't walk up a glass staircase like this, it curves and I don't want to fall.

"If you throw up on my floor," Dr Henry warns behind me and I roll my eyes again because I am sick of his nonsense. "Jessica!"

"Yes Dr Henry, I am very aware of the house rules Dr Henry."

Any destruction to property will lead to my dismissal, rule number 6 or is it 4? It really doesn't matter because even breathing leads to dismissal with him.

"What is the matter with you?" He growls again.

I'm not kidding, it actually sounds like a wolf is behind me. Not even Holly makes an aggressive sound like this, he's like a predator which means I am the target.

"Why are you being like this?" His blue-green eyes are suddenly in front of me.

They consume me because I have never seen them up close. From afar, Dr Perfect's murderous eyes looked blue—not Vecker blue—but still a noticeable greenish blue.

Now I see specks of dark green around the tiny dot but why are they dilating?

"Why are you doing this?" His Adam's apple jumps.

"Me?" He is the one acting like I did something horrible to him.

Like my existence is the worst thing in the world and he hates how he can't do anything about it. He looks borderline vexed and I have no idea why.

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