CHAPTER 30: There is such a thing like too much space

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"He said what?" Vecker leans in and I blush just thinking about it.

Dr Henry is back in Boston.

After great and mind blowing oral delight. I ordered us a pizza while he packed and in the crack of dawn (6am) he made me drive him to the airport. Where we kissed and he told me I could use his bed,

"whenever I needed." I repeat in an American accent and Odessa fans her face with the laminated menu.

She is supposed to be helping me with school work but the festivities of this weekend we're too hot not to share with my best friend.

Remember when I never wanted to see another man again? Yes, that was because no man alive made my downstairs light up anymore.

Not beautiful models I met on auditions or crazy hot jocks that occasionally hit on me around campus, not even the rich blueblood legacies that are dumber than a bag of rocks.

But Dr Henry, his scent alone awakes parts in me that I was sure were dead. His kindness is causing system malfunctions (something I learned from him) because he explained that he caught me, numerous times sniffing his pillow and even took mine so it could be like we're sleeping next to each other.

"Jessica, do you know what this means?" Odessa seems way more excited than me.

This is the most reaction I have gotten out of her since senior year started, I wasn't kidding when I said she was in a slump.

"That I want to bone the crap out of my boss?" My stupid hot, strict, arrogant, fine-ass boss who is too rational to actually do it.

"Yes!" She whisper-yells and the people behind our booth turn to look.

We're in Mickey's, a diner right in the middle of campus and our respective homes. It made sense to meet here because the food is also good and it somehow cheers her up since she used to work here post-Liam.

"You are the most sexually driven person I know, I am so glad you haven't lost your edge." Odessa adjusts my scarf and snorts, "but it looks like Dr Henry just found his."

I didn't tell her how we fooled around but Dr Henry left a lot of hickeys and bite marks all over my body. He practically told on himself.

"Is it weird how much I miss him?" We agreed not to force anything but I am fighting the urge to text him.

"It would be weird if you didn't, I haven't seen a smile this big on your face since your birthday. This is like the last step to finally getting over your grief and going back out there."

That's a good point but,

"What about your grief?" I watch Odessa closely, "are you finally ready to talk about it? To go back out there?"

I know how much losing Liam has really affected her because she has this thing where she just clocks out and doesn't come out until hours later. I know Odessa is strong but I am really worried about her.

I know we all deal with grief in different ways but her method is not healthy. I have seen her explosions and they can get intense, the sooner she deals with the breakup the better.

Sweeping it under the rug is slowly killing something in her.

"And that's our queue to go back to studying," she opens our L3 Chemistry textbooks and I hold her trembling hands. "I'm fine really," her lower lip is actually shaking.

But I know she won't cry—oh how I wish she would just cry.

"I know but you don't have to be."

Break ups are hard and even though she claims she is unaffected because the relationship was on paper 'fake' the pain on her face looks real. The tremble traveling down her body feels real too.

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