CHAPTER 19: The European Paul Walker?

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"Well, Nona and Pop-pop are dropping us off at Jane's for the sleepover portion of the party, have fun." Kylie gives me a hug after hugging Dr Henry goodbye.

The lingering fragments of his musky and woody scent on her dress, is the reason I squeeze her so hard.

What? It's a really good scent.

"Enjoy and don't forget to text me." I give her a cheeky wink and she returns it.

Ben, Kylie's long time crush attended her dinner in a suit and tie. We have so much to discuss because he kissed her cheek while they were taking pictures and they just recently had their first kiss.

"Bye sweetie, call me when you arrive at Jane's." Lori walks Kylie to the door as Josephine hugs me.

"Oh Jessica," she slurs and I can't help but beam because getting drunk with Josephine Henry is possibly the best thing I did tonight.

"You are lovely, absolutely beautiful and hilarious." Josephine assures and I return her smile. "I can't wait to see you again."

"Likewise," the drinks are hitting me which means I truly mean it.

Lori returns with a, "now the real party can start" and all the adults left applaud.

It's actually 6 just people, them, their best friends Alice and Carter and Dr Henry and I, the irony is too painful to acknowledge.

"I am way ahead of you honey." Ashton is passing around spicy blue shots again. "And before anyone says anything, alcohol is the only thing stopping Lori from crying."

"I just can't believe our baby is already 13 and about to get a boyfriend." She takes her shot. "He is so cute too, did you see the flowers he brought her and how awkward he looked in his little suit?"

"And now we know why I need to drink." Ashton takes his shot and we all follow.

Ashton is a music producer and Lori is a domesticated party animal turned accountant. I have been around them long enough to know they know how to have a good time.

They are gracious hosts but their parenting style is where they truly shine. They are almost as nauseatingly cute as the Vecker family. The difference is the accents, Odessa's family has very thick Russian accents.

But it makes me think about Dr Henry's family life.

His mother is very intrusive and his father is too calm. I wonder how he handled it growing up with two extremes of opposite sides, especially with his social disorder.

"Another one?" Lori puts a shot next to my slice of cake.

"If I didn't know any better, I'd say you're trying to get me drunk." I still shot it back with her.

"I am. Either that or cry in public and I am wearing makeup."

We laugh a little but as I poke at my cake, I wonder if something deeper might be bothering her tonight.


"Mind posing for a photo?" The man with the big camera that I have been avoiding all night asks.

"Yes actually—" I hate photos.

"He would love to," Ashton touches my shoulder firmly. "Matter of a fact, Jess?"

My brother summons and the lady in red appears like Beetlejuice but unlike him you don't have to say her name three times, the torture is the same though.

"Yes?" Jessica is wearing her tipsiness with grace because her gloss though faded, her curled hair is still intact and matching the twinkle in her eyes.

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