CHAPTER 43: Lighting before the thunder

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"Fuck," I pull the handle to flush my vomit down the toilet.

I have been throwing up irregularly since I left Boston a month ago but considering this weekend is the final show of King Lear, I am not surprised my body is turning against me.

Some people get stage fright but I can't keep even a sandwich down because Christmas is around the corner too.

"Jess?" Devi knocks on the door. "Are you okay in there?"


"Yeah," I wipe my eyes when the tears start. "Please, just give me a minute." I stand to wash my hands and revise today's schedule in my head.





Walk Holly.

Run lines.

Look for apartments.

Eat. (maybe)

But not necessarily in that order. This will be my first Christmas in Oakwood alone because America and I fell out and my ex is still Odessa's twin brother. Which is probably the main reason for the nervous nausea.

"Hey, your phone has been blowing up." Devi hands it over once I exit the bathroom.

"Why is my neighbor calling me?" I click 1 to listen to the voicemail he left me since he is the owner of Lion who is Holly's boyfriend.

"Hi Jessica, its Eli here and I am on my way to the ER at the animal hospital. Please call me back when you get this, it's about Holly and Lion."

"What?" I click on the next voicemail.

"I am so sorry Jessica but Holly is...ahm...gone." Eli sniffles and I am confused so I look at my screen and notice I skipped a voicemail.

"Hi Jess, Eli here again. We made it to the ER, Holly and Lion got bit by a snake." He exhales. "They have to amputate Lion but Holly is unresponsive, please call me back."

"Damnit!" I begin to gather my stuff as the tears rush to corner of my eyes. "My dog is in trouble. I have to go." I tell Devi as I rush out of her office.

I try and try as I drive to the animal hospital in the city but Dr Henry's phone doesn't go through. Even after I meet Eli and the veterinarian, he still doesn't answer.

"Shit," I kick the bin outside the clinic as the tears I have been trying to keep at bay fall.

"I am so sorry Jessica," Eli tries to console me but I move back. "I called Dr Henry but his phone isn't going through."

"He went to France last night" with Ipsen. "It's a business trip and he is probably still on the plane," I wipe my face but more tears fall.

Holly is actually gone.

"Oh," Eli looks defeated because Lion hasn't woken up from surgery yet. "I am sorry—" I hug him because we both need it.

Holly is gone. I can't believe she's really gone.

"It's okay, call me when you hear about Lion." I break the hug to rub his shoulder, "you should go back in."

I would like to have my mental down without an audience.

"Okay, get home safe." He wipes his eyes and goes back into the hospital.

"You shouldn't cry," an elderly woman gives me a tissue form her purse. "It's not good for your baby."

Even The Weak Can Be Wicked (PLAYBOOK #2)Where stories live. Discover now