CHAPTER 42: Breaking & Entering

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I walk into our parent's penthouse to find Ashton and April already there but thankfully no baby Anna because this is about to get ugly.

"Take a seat," mother can't even look at me.

My last two fingers have a cast and I had to get 13 stitches on my forehead because I had a concussion the last 48 hours. It's just as bad as Ashton's dislocated ankle and cut lip because he has to use crutches and has a cement cast on his leg.

Father stands to prepare himself a drink when I sit down.

"Remind me Jo, we have two sons right?" He adds ice after pouring the bourbon. "One is a 30 year old man with 2 kids and a wife, the other is a soon to be 27 year old special grant winner but do they act their age?"

Father shakes his head as he comes back to sit down.

"No! They have to be pulled apart by college students just so they don't fucking kill each other!"

"Three," I correct out of habit.

"What?" My father stands again to focus his attention on me.

"Ashton has 3 children, a baby mama and a wife now." I provide the valid reason for all this. "He has three and I am still 26," the facts are pointless but important to my brain.

"Where did we go wrong?" Father genuinely asks, "what could be the reason for such a curse between brothers."

"Curse?" Ashton scoffs and redirects the attention away from me.

"Yes, Ashton." The man practically growls, "did you magically forget the last time you wrapped your hands around your 14 year old baby brother as his face turned blue? Or how you woke up in the ER with blood all over your clothes."

He strides towards him.

"Did you forget how last time this happened, our family was torn apart for nearly a YEAR? That we had to send our boys away just to have peace! Did you?"

"Enough Enzo," mother steps in before he can reach him. "Your blood pressure," she reminds in Sicilian.

"No, not enough look at them!" He yells as he goes back to his drink.

"I am looking at the idiots I gave birth to but like you said they are grown men now. Your health is more important than this."

"He slept with—"

"SHUT UP!" Father yells to cut Ashton off. "There are millions of women in the world, millions and you keep fighting for the same ones and for what?"

"Lorenzo!" My mother scolds, "your heart seriously." She warns again in Sicilian, "calm down."

He takes a deep breath.

"I'm tired Josephine," father wipes his eyes. "I am tired as a parent so if you want to kill each other. Do it, fucking do it. Your adults, we can't separate full grown men anymore."

He throws his glass on the floor but only April flinches.

"The thing with Lori happened before you guys got together." I look at my bruised knuckles. "Someone spiked the punch with E, at Sidney's Halloween party but I had a bad reaction and it made me pass out. I woke up next to Lori but we literally just slept."

In the morning Sidney found us and discovered her taking pictures of us in bed. That was the breaking point, Lori took it too far so when Ashton hit me for literally nothing, I hit him back.

I literally just slept with his wife once and it was outside my will because I don't even know how she ended up in bed with me.

But what I do know is, it broke something in me because after that day, I never let anyone else sleep in bed with me again even my own fiancée.

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