CHAPTER 16: Word from the wiser

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"Is this a bad time to mention that red used to be your favorite color?" My father signals the bartender and he puts something brown in front of us in crystal glasses.

"Yes," I throw back the drink and instantly calm down.

Oh good o'l bourbon.

It burns going down but does a better job than the two glasses of whisky I had already consumed.

"Do you want to talk about it?" He does the same with his drink and doesn't flinch like I did.

I am certain if I say no, he won't ask again. That's the best thing about my father but if I say yes, it'll make it real and I can't deal with that yet.

Especially in public and right in front of her.

"Not today," I dangle the carrot and signal for more drinks.

"Okay, let's talk about April then." I forget my father is still a ball buster.

Enzo Henry is simple man, if the description was a blue blood property owner with one of the best vineyards in Italy. He has the most even temper I have ever come across and is truly a smart and balanced man.

He's a great father but honestly a better husband because our mother is a handful, especially when they were running the company full time.

He's retired now and spends most of his days with our mother, which believe it or not, says is the best thing he ever did. They travel, eat and bother their children every 2nd day.

As a family of 4, we grew up close but I consider it too close which is why I lived in Cambridge before meeting April. After Ethan broke his hand, I moved closer to him and Kylie since it seemed kids were a little further for me.

Believe it or not it was the best thing I ever did.

"April?" I look over my shoulder like she's here.

It's been over 18 months, what does she have to do with this?

"Yes her," he clicks his tongue. "Do you know why we never warmed up to her or honestly ever tried to?"

Easy, because they are snobs.

"Could it be because she wasn't a 21 year old British girl with amber eyes?" He gives me a knowing look.

"Don't." I warn and he smirks like mother did earlier.

Aren't they just the perfect little nosy couple.

"I won't and no, it's not because of that. She was a lovely woman, very intelligent and well spoken. I personally enjoyed the lecture about Pluto blowing up."

"Really," I finally smile and he motions for two more drinks.

"You bet ya," he returns my smile. "But the reason we didn't warm up to April was because of you. I admit the family was awkward but you were the worst."

"Me?" I run my nails through my head to scratch it.

"Yes. It was worse than when you're around your coworkers which I thought was impossible because I don't think you'll ever like those people."

I keep it professional and my coworkers at MIT are sometimes very intrusive which I hate but the ones in Boston are very pleasant. Which probably has to do with my pending departure as I am literally counting the days.

What can I say? I am not a people's person and small talk annoys me but,

"what does April have to do with this?"

Even The Weak Can Be Wicked (PLAYBOOK #2)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin