CHAPTER 47: A kaleidoscope of feelings

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"These are good." Aleksander bites into a beef taco with extra cheese and Cesar salad on the side.

It's sounds weird but it was the healthiest option for him.

"I told you." I agree as I have my chicken taco with jalapeño cheese stuffing. "Blake said you can't let it stay past 2 days or else it'll turn into a laxative."

He pauses.

"We got them last night, we're still under the 24 hour mark." I hand him a napkin, "don't think about it too much."

If he saw the man that served the food, he would have tossed them right out but Blake swears the blood, sweat and tears is part of the reason why they taste that way.

Which is freaking delicious.

"I'll eat more if you open your gift," of course he has noticed I am stalling.

My gift is in a Cartier paper bag that is containing a Cartier box. I would understand if it was a small box but it's not. It's aa very big and fancy box, the type they give you a private room for.

"Deal," I wipe my hands thoroughly and pull the bag to me as he tries the Chef's special.

"Can I say something before you do?" Aleksander stops me once I take out the fancy red leather box. "I don't want you to take it out of context."

"Sure," anything to stall.

"I looked everywhere for that gift because it reminded me of you in the best way possible. When I finally located it, I was told the owner refused to part with it so I asked for permission to replicate it." Aleksander's focus is on me.

Down heart. Aleksander is still your boss and this is still a platonic, strictly professional relationship gift.


"While I was in Paris, the owner insisted on meeting in person and when I told him about you and the reason I wanted it he asked for the honor to make a better version since he was a specialist designer for Cartier."

I try not to wince but my body betrays me.

"I won't sugarcoat it, it was an expensive process but I want you to know you are worth that and more. Your light can't be matched by a price tag so I don't want you to focus on the numbers."

My heart nearly explodes.

"Thank you Dr Henry," now I am even more nervous as I look at the box.

Please don't be the pendant he won at the auction.

Please don't be the pendant.

Please do not be that stupid pendant!

I shut my eyes and pull the lid to find— "oh my God!" I cover my mouth.

"I finally watched Pretty Woman and I don't think you got it because she rescues him in the end." He says Vivian's iconic last line to prove his point.

"Aleksander," I don't even know what to say.

It's the necklace. The same one Julia Roberts wore in PRETTY WOMAN, the pear heart rubies in diamond encrusted hearts but one of the hearts is surrounded by diamond encrusted stars.

"At least it's not all diamonds so consider this a downsize." He jokes and it somehow works because I laugh as happy tears prick my eyes. "Merry Christmas Jessica."

Oh, my heart.

"Thank you," I wipe my eyes. "I love it," of course I fucking love it.

"There is more," he sounds nervous as I run the tips of my fingers to feel the stones.

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