EPILOGUE: Four years later

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"Mommy!" Orion jumps up when Jessica shows up on television.

We are watching the daytime Emmy's and Jessica just won her first one, best leading actress in a drama series for her soap opera A Passion for Revenge.

"Yes buddy that's her but be quiet please, your sister is still sleeping." I rock Andréa back to sleep when she moves in my arms.

She is going to be upset she missed this but her fever just broke and she could use the rest.

"She looks so pretty, daddy look." Orion's little eyes light up as she makes her speech. "She said my name. Baba, mommy said our names." He whispers when Jessica blows the camera a kiss.

"I know buddy," I muse when he blushes as the camera shows Odessa wiping her eyes.

She was Jessica's date since I had to stay home with Andréa. It should be no surprise since at this point everyone is, but our son is head over heels in love with his aunt/godmother.

Odessa Vecker.

"Daddy," Andréa moans when the phone rings and I decide to lay her down to keep her sleeping.

"Go back to sleep," I kiss her head and she nods.

Twins. It is still the biggest shock of my life when we went to find out the gender only for us to hear two heartbeats but it is still a good surprise.

"She won!" Kylie squeals the moment I answer and I hear people cheering in the background.

"Yes she did," I laugh. "Where are you because your mother keeps texting me," I look at my personal phone and read Lori's 17texts.

"At a friend's, I didn't want to miss my favorite's person big moment." She moves away from the noise, "does this mean you guys are moving to Hollywood?"

"Nice try little bug, please call your mother back."

Kylie is 17 now which means the teenage stage I am dreading with Andréa is at its peak. It's the one where they are slipping away and you don't know how to stop it.

"Fine, I will but can I talk to Orion please? I know his eyes popped out when they showed a glimpsed of Vecker."

I summon my son and he comes running, "its Ky." I explain and he takes the phone with another big smile.

Thankfully, one of our children got Jessica's bubbly personality but sadly he is never going to live down this crush with Odessa. Even quiet Ethan teases him about it.

"She told me to ask if we're moving to Hollywood now?" Orion gives me the phone, "what's Hollywood?"

"It's literally a drive away," I accept the kiss he gives me after I help him put down the phone. "We don't need to move."

Not yet anyway.

"Good, I like my school" Orion rewinds the television to see his mother and honestly Odessa again.

It's fair to say life has changed in the last 5years but it's all for the better.

For one, we're married.

Yes, Jessica Beer is now Jessica Russo Henry, my wife and mother to Orion and Andréa Russo Henry who are two 4year old twins with auburn hair, blue-green eyes and one dimple each.

If it wasn't obvious, Jessica's career took off after she gave birth. The first thing she did with her paycheck was pay me back which was pointless considering we share everything.

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