Chapter 240. A Conversation Between 2 Ladies

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                                                                       Alice Mars's Point Of View

" Well, I don't mind. While we've seen each other a few times already... It's nice to meet you, Lady Cindy, I'm Alice Mars, the 1st Princess of Bestia."

I introduced myself to my new conversation partner that was suddenly thrusted upon me by Marquess Drake. While I'd like to complain, I don't think I should. He's acted kind to me so far, but I'm still unsure of how far I could push right now. I can't even truly be angry at him, seeing as this was my fault entirely. My feelings towards Humans are... Complicated to say the least. No, that's just an excuse at this point. I was so caught up in how I thought he was, that I never tried to actually see who he was in reality. I've made such terrible mistake after terrible mistake, from attacking him when I first met him, to acting so stand offish with him. Then everything since that stormy night. My self-importance after it. Once Big Sis scolded me, I was convinced that he simply forced her to say it since he was her husband. And a vicious cycle repeated for days no matter how much anyone tried to correct my assumptions. I selfishly continued my bullheaded crusade against an imaginary enemy.

" If you don't mind me asking, Princess Alice. Why did you want to join us for my Father's birthday celebration? I don't mean to be rude or anything, but a Princess visiting a Baron's party especially a foreign one you've never met... It just seems so strange?"

Lady Cindy grasped the idea that it was so strange for me to be here. If not for my idiocy, I'd probably still be in Paradise, wondering when Big Sis would come back. But now... A few days after being on the road to arrive here, Big Sis and Lady Anna finally set me straight. I could barely look him in the eye after that. I just tried my best to stay quiet and not anger or embarrass him again. To further that goal, I stayed in the room that I was given in Baron Fracks's mansion. I thought that's where I would stay, I mean it would be what anyone else would do when someone acted like I did. While hiding and wallowing in my regret, a knock at the door came. I thought it may have been a maid to tell me that dinner was ready for the guests. Then I'd have to hurriedly eat my meal while only speaking while spoken to. But when I opened the door, a surprising face was waiting for me. He came, Marquess Drake. Big Sis was with him. Instead of being angry at me, like he rightfully should have been, he offered me his hand in friendship and a way to put my embarrassing behavior behind me. I almost wanted to cry at that offer. After a few questions, I happily accepted it. And that led me here in a way.

" I guess, I'm here because of Marquess Drake, Lady Cindy."

" Oh, why is that?"

A look of curiosity filled Lady Cindy's eyes. Perhaps I shouldn't have said it like that?

" I was already visiting Sarah, when they began to prepare to come here to celebrate your Lord Father's birthday. I asked if it was okay for me to travel with them. While it caused a few issues for Marquess Drake, he still allowed me to come. He's... Very kind to others like that."

" Ah, yes. Like when he gave more ice cream to that child from earlier, she quite enjoyed it. Or when he helped us even when he didn't need to. Though I do wonder how he planned to announce his business opening if we would've said no to his idea?"

" From what I understand, he was going to ask permission from your Lord Father if he could open a stand for a few days to allow your citizens and guests to try some of the food he's created."

" Wouldn't the ice cream melt though? If it just sits there under the sun?"

" No, there's other foods, he's has quite the inventory, from savory to salty to using milk and its other forms to enhance other foods. 1 thing I've learned through my stay in Paradise is that his food business is quite flexible and can fit any palate."

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