Chapter One Hundred Twenty One - Tea Amidst Terrible Trouble

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After what transpired at the Paper Acre, Razer flew in a random direction. Eventually, Razer plunged himself to the ground, leaving a crater behind. As the nearby Afterans gathered around the crater, Razer lets out a pained and anguished scream which echoed across the area. This caused the Afterans to run away in fear. As Razer was left alone, the former Red Lantern lamented on all that has recently happened. This caused Razer to feel immense guilt. He had allowed his anger to fester within him until it got to the point where he lashed out at his friends. But nearly lashing out and attacking Aya brought Razer to his breaking point. In a fit of raw, unbridled rage, Razer unleashes a beam of Red Energy at the sky. After doing so, Razer dropped to his knees as a storm was beginning to rage. 

Razer: What...what have I done?

As Razer lamented, his Ring began beeping. When Razer inspects his Ring, he sees a signal indicating that another Red Lantern was near. Wasting no time, Razer got up and began flying towards the source of the signal. During his search, he saw a trail of Rose Petals. Meanwhile, Aya and Saint Walker along with the rest of Team RWBY and Jaune were searching for Ruby. As they searched for Ruby, Yang stopped walking.

Yang: Damn it! How can she just run off like that?!

Blake: She was clearly upset.

Yang: That wasn't upset! That was... Ugh! She could've talked to us!

Weiss: Maybe she didn't feel like she could.... Ruby has always been the one to get us through the hard times. We say things like "We believe in you", "We can count on you". I know we mean well, but...

Jaune feels guilty over what he said to Ruby back then. Juniper becomes sad and Jaune comforts them with a pat.

Yang: It's not like we're asking her to be perfect.

Aya: That...that is exactly what we did. Like Weiss said, Ruby has always been the one to get us through hard times. Those hard times took it's tool on her....just like Razer....

Weiss: You couldn't have known. About Ruby or Razer....

Aya: But I did. All the signs were there and I did nothing. 

Blake: But we did the best we could. 

As Blake said that, Aya took a deep breath.

Aya: When we found the Blue Lantern Ring, Razer told us what happened before we fell. He...he learned that Atrocitus was the one conquered Razer's homeworld and set the warlords on each other. He...he also killed Razer's wife.

Upon hearing this, everyone fell silent in shock. 

Blake: I...I can't imagine how that must've felt....

Saint Walker: Since learning the truth, the anger within Razer began to build up. was only a matter of time until it became too much to bear. 

Jaune: The...the things I said....

Saint Walker: There is still time to make things right. We must...

Suddenly, red lights were seen in the distance. 

Aya: We must hurry!

With that, everyone began making their way to where the red lights were. Meanwhile, Razer continued following the signal until he came across a mansion. Without hesitation, Razer crashed through the mansion to see Ruby locked in a deadly battle against Neo who began to mentally torture her by conjuring images of Ruby's friends. The battle reaches it's climax when she is faced by the "death" of Oscar. Neo-Oscar falls backwards and dies. Ruby drops Crescent Rose and collapses on her knees. Neo-Penny and Neo-Clover approach Neo-Oscar's corpse. Neo-Penny, covering her mouth in shock, then changes to Neo-Yang. Neo-Clover changes to Neo-, now horrified over Neo-Oscar's "death". Neo-Lionheart changes to Neo-Blake looking at Ruby in disbelief. Neo-Ironwood changes to Neo-Weiss looking down at Ruby.

Neo-Roman: Do you really think you can stand to watch more of your friends fall?

Ruby: Please... stop...

Neo-Roman: Or are you ready to admit the truth? That the world would just be better off without you?

Razer: Enough! 

Neo-Roman: And why should I stop? 

Razer: I know why you're doing this. You want revenge and the Ring offered it to you. If you want someone to punish. Punish me. 

Upon hearing this, Ruby was shocked. 

Razer: I was the one who killed Roman Torchwick back at Beacon. Not Ruby.

As Razer said this, Neo powered up her Red Lantern Ring. Razer made no attempt to defend himself. 

It was at this point that the Curious Cat appeared and offered her a way out of all the turmoil she faced. They presented her with a teacup filled with a strange concoction. As Little tries to drag Ruby, Neo stomps on Little with her boot, apparently killing them ruthlessly. Neo sneers down on Ruby with Roman standing behind her. Ruby becomes utterly horrified after Little was killed in front of her, the light in her eyes is gone. The teacup is slided to Ruby.

Neo-Roman: Hmph. I think it's about time we all got what we deserve.

Razer: Leave her out of this! I am the one who needs to be punished! 

Ruby slowly moves her body. Aya, Saint Walker, Weiss, Blake, Yang, Jaune and Juniper finally arrive only to see Neo looking down on the wounded Ruby.

Neo-Roman: Are you ready to admit the truth? That the world would just be better off without you?

Razer: Leave her out of this! Ruby....get out of here. Now! 

Ruby stared before drinking the tea. She gives them one last look. Yang watches in shock as Ruby drinks the entire tea. Ruby drops the teacup and lies there. A hole appears below Ruby and she falls into it along with Little and Crescent Rose, engulfed in a bright light. Without hesitation, Razer rushes over to rushes in to help Ruby, only to fall through the hole with her. A Neo-Roman Torchwick watches in amusement. Neo sits on her chair, seemingly giving a frown as the manor begins to slowly crumble. Neo opens her eyes before she is filled with mixed emotions of confusion. Weiss becomes shocked over Ruby's fall. Blake holds Yang over her shoulder, the latter seemingly catatonic. Jaune closes his eyes in silence. Aya was deeply shocked and horrified at what she saw while Saint Walker placed his hand on Aya's shoulders. 

Curious Cat: No, no, no, no!

Jaune looks to find the Cat running towards the vine-covered hole.

Curious Cat: I needed her!

The Cat attempts to scratch the vines that cover the entire hole pointlessly. They growl in anger. They hear the loud sound and look up to the Tree. The Cat looks away before slowly turning around, giving a sharp sneer.

Jaune: Take us to her, now!

Curious Cat: You still don't get it, do you? It's not a place you go. It's a place you know. But no matter... I actually found a much better solution to my problem.

The Cat gives a powerful roaring beam at everyone, blasting them away, crashing against the walls. Jaune lands onto Juniper, who catches him in time. The Cat's form begins to grow bigger with their colors changing to white with clear black square patterns. The Cat flies towards Neo.

Curious Cat: You've lost something most important, haven't you? And now you have nothing left. How delightful! An empty host, perfect for me to fill.

Saint Walker: If you go down on this path, Cat. Your fate is sealed.

Neo widens her eyes in utter shock as the Cat forces her mouth open and dives inside of her. Jaune regains his posture before turns around to see the Cat attempting to take over Neo's body, to his shock. Neo opened her eyes, sharing the Cat's eyes.

NeoCat: The Rusted Knight. Goodness, am I tired of your little sob story. You can't even accept your own futility. This body will do. And what power this one has....

With that, the rest of the group faced a bigger threat. All the while Razer and Ruby would face their own challenge. 

Rage & Hope: A RWBY StoryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora