Chapter One Hundred Twenty Five - Ascension

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Deep within the Tree, Razer pressed forward. As Razer moved deeper into the Tree, he felt cold. A thick fog began to surround him. Remaining calm, Razer took steady breaths as he kept his Ring ready. Soon enough, a shattered mirror was in front of him. He saw a twisted version of himself. 

Razer: What....

Before Razer could react, the mirror shattered, knocking Razer back with a violent shockwave. When Razer got up, he suddenly found himself in the middle of Volkerg. Razer looked around to see his homeworld in flames. He saw the lifeless body of Ilana laying before him. Razer ran over to Ilana's body and cradled her. As Razer mourned Ilana, he looked around to see the lifeless bodies of his other allies. He saw Team RWBY, Jaune, Saint Walker and so many others. But when he saw Aya's body, Razer was at a loss for words. It wasn't long before Razer's dark counterpart hovered above him.

Dark Razer: Why do you even bother? There is no hope. 

Razer: You're wrong.

Dark Razer: You've tried to be everything that you are not. And look at the pain and suffering it brought. 

Suddenly, Razer found himself surrounded by visions of friend and foe alike.

Ironwood(Vision): Who were you to think you knew what was best for Atlas?

Pyrrha(Vision): I was the best and brightest Beacon had to offer. But I traded my life so my friends could live!

Penny(Vision): Just like you were too late to save me at the Vytal Festival....I died in Atlas too, didn't I? Can you imagine what that's like? To be completely and utterly failed... time and someone who meant the world to you....

Ruby(Vision): could you stand by and watch me suffer?! You did nothing when I needed you the most! When everyone else failed me, you could've done something! But you failed!

Ilana(Vision): Razer....where were you?! I waited for you! I prayed you would return to me, but you never did! Did you ever love me?! Did I mean nothing to you?!

Razer gripped his fists and attacked his dark counterpart. As the two fought, Razer found himself unable to land a strike on Razer. As the battle dragged on, Razer could feel himself getting tired. 

Dark Razer: How much longer can you keep this up?!

Razer: As long as I must!

Dark Razer: As you wish!

As Razer continued to attack his dark counterpart, Razer once more found himself unable to land a single strike. But as the fight continued, Razer took a hard look at his counterpart. As he did, he saw what he could've been had he given in to his rage completely. He had felt himself coming closer and closer to falling back into what he once was. And that thought terrified him. Instead of pressing the attack, Razer stopped.

Dark Razer: What do you think you're doing?!

Razer: This...this fight is over.

Dark Razer: What?!

Razer: I see it now. You are my inner demon. You have been born from the hatred within me. You represent every lingering doubt and fear in my mind. I have long struggled against my doubt, my insecurities fear. Fear....has been my greatest enemy. My rage....has been my greatest enemy. 

Dark Razer: Coward! I am what has kept you alive! If it were not for me, you would have died on Remnant long ago!

Razer: For the longest time, I believed that. But the truth is that I've been using my rage as a crutch. A way for me to avoid my role in creating....what I am. 

Without warning, Dark Razer charges at Razer with the intention of killing him. Razer simply stood still and remained calm. As the Dark Razer was about to deal the final blow, the strike stops near Razer's face. Razer then looks into the eyes of his dark self.

Razer: No. I've let you consume me for far too long. For too long, I have let you dominate my destiny. No more. You say that I needed you. But the fact is that I no longer need you. I have never needed you. Just....just as I no longer need this Ring.

Without hesitation, Razer began pulling at his own Ring. As he did so, he could feel his Ring fighting back. He knew that he was putting his own life in danger by removing the Ring. Separating a Red Lantern from his Ring was a fatal one. But despite the risk, Razer was willing to take the chance. Eventually, Razer used all of his strength and will to remove his Red Lantern Ring. Razer screamed in pain as he felt the Red Energy leave his body. At the same time, the Dark Razer vanished. Razer dropped to his knees as he took a moment to catch his breath. As he did so, he glanced over to his Red Lantern Ring now on the floor. Razer picked up the Ring and looked at it. He thought of all the terrible things he did with that Ring. Seeing that the thing he had hated for so long was now removed, Razer took a deep breath. 

Razer: It's over. It's....finally....over....

In that moment, Razer had finally conquered the rage within his heart. And replacing that rage was something Razer had not felt in a long time: hope. As Razer began to take several deep breaths, a ray of light began to engulf Razer. The former Red Lantern accepted his fate whatever it may be. In that moment, Razer had completed the Trials of the Tree.

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