S6: Reconstruction, Chapter 5

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Chairman: Dear Director.

The trio of Washington, Church and Caboose stands on the sidewalk of a seemingly normal city street  in silence, as they stared at an ordinary office building in front of them.

Chairman: We can all understand that the shift from autonomy to oversight can be a difficult adjustment for anyone, but especially someone of your standing. In that spirit, we have attempted to accommodate your brief explanations to our serious inquiries. Nonetheless, I feel compelled to inform you, that even our trust has its limits.

Caboose: …

Church: …

Wash: … So you’re telling me, that the person that hired a captain from the military as a security detail, is loan shark?

Church: Tell me about it. I’m pretty sure the people she’s after are the ones who’re gonna need protection. That whole shtick about bodyguards was definitely just an excuse so they can be together, those stupid lovey-dovey pricks.

Caboose: Of course! Maybe his job is to save the people from the sharks! So that they wouldn’t get eaten!

Wash: Let’s just get this over with.


Sat behind a desk, a blue haired, small, petite woman has her eyes closed, seemingly in concentration, as if she was completing some unseen task that ordinary humans can’t comprehend. Not long after, the door that separates this office with the hallway outside opens, giving way to three armored men to enter the room. She opens her eyes to greet her visitors.

Horizon: Welcome to Horizon Finance. Our annual interest rate is only 2.5%. At Horizon Finance, the customer comes first.

Church: Hey, uh, sup? It’s, it’s a, been a while, huh?

Horizon: Biometrics identified: Leonard Church. Apologies, but we still do not offer that type of service here at Horizon Finance. We sincerely ask that you will look elsewhere to fulfill your personalized sexual needs.

Church: Wu-wait, stop it! I told you that was a mistake!

Caboose: It’s okay Church. We will not judge your happy time preferences. Especially that robot—

Church: I told you, that was for research! Research!

Wash: Alright enough! We’re getting off topic. (To Horizon) Good evening ma’am. I’m afraid that we didn’t come here with intention of doing business with your company. I am Agent Washington from Project Freelancer, and we’ve come here today in order to ask you about the soldier that you had requested from Command as a security detail.

Horizon: Agent of Project Freelancer, so you have come seeking the services of my head of security.

Church: Head of secur—what security? There’s no one else here. Oh whatever. That’s right, we’re here for Rayner. So where is that fucker?

Horizon: He is currently in the progress of performing an errand that I have given him. He shall arrive here shortly. In the mean time, I inquire on why do you wish to meet him?

Wash: We are currently in the middle of an important mission, the details of which, are classified for ordinary civilians. We have reason to believe that this ‘Rayner’ may have important information regarding the contents of this mission. So we ask that you return him to us, until such time that this mission is complete.

Horizon: I fail to say why I must comply with such orders. For all intents and purposes, he is no longer part of your military, thus he is not obligated to involve himself in your endeavors.

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