The Best Christmas Ever

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On the drive to Embry's grandparents' house I was nervous. Embry's hand rested on the central console between our seats and I put my hand on top of his. I stroked his ring finger with mine. He looked over and smiled at me. I loved that smile. I could tell by the way he looked at me how much he loved me.

"What's up with you? You've been acting weird all week," Embry said.

"Nothing, I just haven't been sleeping well is all," I said. Which wasn't a lie. I hadn't been sleeping very well. Every time I did I dreamed about this whole proposal going wrong and in some of the dreams Embry even said no. What would I do if he said no? My world would be crushed. I knew he wouldn't and I knew he felt the same way about me I did about him. But the dreams were scary none the less.

We got out of the car and I ran around to open Embry's door for him. We were the last to arrive because we had taken advantage of my empty house. I glanced at Embry's neck and ran my hand over the fresh hickey. He shivered at my touch. There was no way to hide it even with his collared shirt it stuck out. Everyone would know why we were late.

We went in and found everyone else in the living room. They all looked up when we walked in. The conversation just stopped. We went over and sat in the empty spot on the couch next to Hailey. As Embry sat Harley came and crawled up in his lap giving him a big hug.

"Embry, what's wrong with your neck?" she asked touching it.

Embry looked at Ryland like what do I say?

"It looks like someone bit you," Harley said.

"Well, I...," Embry stuttered.

"Who's ready to open presents?" Ryland said.

Harley jumped off Embry's lap and ran for the tree. I saw Embry mouth thank you to Ryland and Ryland just nodded. I was so surprised no one said anything else about it. Harley would probably have been mad at me if she knew I did that to Embry. It hadn't been intentional. I usually try to bite lower on his shoulder so it's easier to hide. I looked at it again and realized I had really bitten him hard when I sucked. It looked bad.

After everyone opened presents I looked at my mom and she pointed to the fire place. I saw the small box sitting up there. I had asked her to bring it when she came over. I kissed Embry on the cheek as he played with Harley and her new horse toy. I got up and walked over to the fire place and casually took the box off of it. I clutched it in my hand. It was now or never.

I heard a baby cry behind me and turned around to see Harley run to help Bethenny with Ansel. So I knew now was my chance. I locked eyes with Embry as I walked towards him. He was watching me intently. I kneeled in front of him. I heard a few gasps around me but I didn't look away from Embry. I knew if I did I'd lose my nerve. I grabbed Embry's hand as I spoke.

"I know we're young but I also know I love you with all my heart. There is never going to be anyone else for me. I've known it since the first time we kissed four years ago. There is nothing I want more than to spend the rest of my life with you. So Embry will you marry me?" I asked as I opened the box with the two rings inside.

"Yes," Embry nodded as tears streamed down his face.

I kissed him as I put the ring on his finger. He pulled apart first and pulled me into a hug.

"So I have to ask why two rings?" Audrey asked.

I turned to look at her. "Because I want everyone to know we are both taken."

I sat back down beside Embry and he took the other ring and put it on my finger. We clasped our hands together so the rings touched and leaned in so our foreheads were also touching.

"I love you Cam," Embry said.

"I love you too forever," I said back.

I turned when I heard the front door open and Riot and Charlotte appeared in the doorway. Charlotte had their baby in her arms. Riot looked frazzled and Charlotte looked like she was ready to cry. Raelyn got up and took the baby from Charlotte and sat back down.

"How's my beautiful Rhapsody?" she asked like the baby could talk back.

"I still can't believe you named her Rhapsody," Ryland said.

"Okay you gave your son the middle name Diddy," Fender said.

"You really want to go there?" Ryland teased. "You'll always be Moondoggie's dad!"

Everyone laughed. I didn't understand Embry's family and their choices as far as baby names. If Embry and I ever had a kid I hoped we picked a good name for him or her.

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