Hurting Embry

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I sat at the lunch table staring at my phone. I hadn't heard from Cameron in two days. I had sent him several texts and called at least ten times. His phone went straight to voicemail. I had left a few messages and he usually called me back when I did. I hadn't heard from him since Wednesday morning and it was Friday afternoon. I didn't want to seem needy but I really wanted to hear his voice. I needed to know everything was okay with us and that he wasn't trying to avoid me.

"Cameron still hasn't called?" Ryan asked.

"No and I don't know what to do," I sighed.

"Oh Embry stop being so needy. He's just busy with college," Dacia said.

So I was being needy. I just missed him. I hadn't seen him since I went with his parents to family day back in September. That was almost two months ago. It had been a great weekend. He wasn't afraid to hold my hand and kiss me in public. All his new friends seemed so accepting of our relationship. He had even introduced me to everyone as his fiancée.

As I thought about that weekend my phone buzzed. I got excited hoping it was Cameron, but when I looked down at the phone I didn't recognize the number. It was video text. I opened the text and stared open mouthed at my phone. In the video Cameron was kissing a girl. I mean really kissing her. She had her tongue down his throat and it looked like he was enjoying it. I played it again as a bunch of mixed emotions went through my mind. At first I was upset. How could he do this to me? Then came the jealousy, I was the only person he was supposed to kiss that way. Lastly, I was angry.

The anger was the strongest of my many emotions. I wanted to hit someone. Preferably whoever this girl was that was kissing my man. She was lucky my dad had taught me never to hit girls because I wanted to punch her in the nose. I slammed my fist on the table and everyone at the table and the table next to me in the lunch room looked at me. I got up and headed for the door.

"Mr. Lynch where are you going?" Mr. Harrison, the history teacher asked me.

"Berkeley," was all I said as he keep walking towards the door.

"Mr. Lynch if you leave this campus during the school day I'll have to call your father," he yelled as he followed me.

I didn't care. At this point I was going to Berkeley and no one was going to stop me. I knew I'd be in trouble with school and with my dad but I wasn't scared of my dad anymore. If he tried anything I wasn't the scrawny fifteen year old kid I was the first time. I got in my truck and peeled out of the parking lot. I told the GPS in my truck where I wanted to go and headed to my destination.

I had a lot of time to think. I hated having time to myself to think because the doubts always invaded my mind. I always thought about Cameron finding someone else in college. Someone who was closer to him, who he could see every day like we used too. I knew he wouldn't cheat on me, but now I wasn't so sure as I drove. I had to get to Berkeley as quickly as I could. I sped up as tear streamed down my face.

At first I didn't notice the flashing lights behind me were for me. I looked down at my speedometer and I was going about ninety-five. The word fuck escaped my lips as I pulled over. This wasn't the first time I had been pulled over for speeding and another ticket would make my car insurance go up. The cop came up to my window and I rolled it down.

"Do you know how fast you were going?" he said.

Why the hell do they always asked that? What are you supposed to say? No I wasn't aware I was speeding or yes I was going ninety-five. "About ninety?"

"I clocked you at ninety-seven and the speed limit is seventy," he told me like I didn't know. "Where were you going in such a hurry?"

"To visit my fiancée," I replied.

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