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*I am a Pirate and My name is Brittney Turner

"Wasn't excpecting that" I said and the Kracken howled with rage "shoot!" I yelled and my crew shot at it, at the same time. "No! I just dropped my barrel" I said showing them. "it was a good choice anyways" I added, then the Kracken slipped underneath the water.

"Oh no" Kayla said again, and at that moment, everything was calm.

"Did we kill it?" one of my crew members asked, questioningly.

 "No...we just made it really mad" I replied, all of a sudden, the Kraken launched itself at the bottom of my boat! it sent us up, high into the air. At least twenty to forty feet in the air. For a minute it felt like everything had stopped. I looked around for something...anything to help ease my fall.

All I could think of was cutting a line in our sail. I looked down and my ship was cracked in half. So I quickly cut the main sail. I tumbled only once whilst sliding down it. Then, the mast cracked and started falling toward the Kraken.

I jumped off and dug my sword into the beam of the Bloody Rose. Kayla, Charlotte, Crepsley, Forman, and Nicole were on the side with me. On the other side was the rest of my crew, including Brandy. Now, Kayla's eyes flashed. "Oh, a minute ago would have been a better time for that" I growled hatefully.

"Hey, I don't pick the time they come, they just come" she said. I glanced behind me and I didn't see anyone on the other side. What about Brandy? I thought. Suddenly I felt sick, then I saw the Kraken's open jaws.

It had razor sharp teeth, I  quickly looked away, I couldn't handle the image of Brandy falling to the Kraken's jaws and being its dinner. Then the piece of deck that we were clinging to flipped over. Onto its back, this time I landed on my back and it knocked the air out of me. A scream pierced the air around me, Charlotte was hanging on by her index (pointer) finger! I grabbed her arm and tried to pull her up but something had her.

"The Kraken!" she yelled "it has my ankle!" she screamed, I called over Crepsley and told him to pull her up. As I took my sword out I saw Charlotte's eyes grow big, I leaned over and I saw it. A huge tentacle had her ankle and it didn't look like it was letting go.

So, I chopped it off. "Pull her up!" I yelled.

"I can't!" Crepsley yelled back.

"Why?" I growled a fire building in my eyes.

"Too heavy!" 

"Oh, for the love of..."I trialed off, as I was about to sit up, something hit me and forced me to fall forwards. Thankfully, I had a good grip on the deck. I sighed in relief and flipped back up. I grabbed Crepsley and pulled, we finally got Charlotte up but, it was a challenge.

"Thanks" she breathed. She was gulping down air, probably thanking the gods that she wasn't taken to a watery grave. I stood, watching the Kraken and silently curseing it for all the pain and death it caused. The Kraken now disiappered into the water, I prayed to every god that I knew the name of that it wouldn't come back. Short gustes of wind came and blew my long dirty blond hair behind my shoulders.

"What's wrong?" Kayla asked then I looked at her sideways. "Oh, is it because of Brandy?" she asked and I saw a smile on her face.

"Why do you do that and not tell me anything?" I asked angrily.

 "It is not my place to tell you the future"

"You could at least prepare me" I grumbled.

"If I do, the future will change and right now things are looking up for you...I just do it for you" she said with a smile.

"Yeah, because this is so happy" I hissed sarcastically, I saw Charlotte giggle behind Kayla.

"Ugh" she said and sat down cross-legged and closed her eyes. Next, something hit my stomach and launched me from the front of the boat to the water on the other side. I looked around under-water and I saw the bottom of another ship a few feet away, but, when I came up for air I saw nothing. "What was that?" Charlotte asked reaching for me.

  I held up a finger and dove back down to take another look, the boat was still there. "Brittney grab my hand that water's cold, you could get hypothermia" Charlotte whined. Then something hit me again and caused me to fall back into the water.

"Ok, what the hell is that thing?" I growled wiping the water from my blue eyes.

"I don't know but I don't think it likes you" Crepsley replied.

"You think?" I growled then Charlotte turned to Creep.

"She's just mad" she whispered "let's try it one more time" Charlotte said and I grumbled up, onto the piece of what was left of my deck. I felt yet another punch my stomach and it made me fly  backwards. I started swimming toward the deck piece and just before I tried to get on again I felt something wrap around my waist and yank me toward where the supposed ship I saw was. Now, everyone else was yanked but, they kind of flew through the air. The person who pulled me up was slow and easy. 

 I saw a ship. The sails of the mystery ship were pitch black.....I was on the Black Pearl!

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