Strange Lights

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 "Get up you stinking bilge rats!" I yelled and many of them fell out of their hammocks.

"Where are we?" I asked my first mate, I figured out my first mate is a man named Cotton, he had a parrot always on his shoulder, I liked that. "Where are we?" I asked again growing more impatient with him. Then, the cabin boy came up to me.

"He's a deaf, Captain, he trained the parrot to talk for him" explained the cabin boy, I nodded my thanks.

"Oh, well, uh Cotton's parrot...same question" I said, looking over a the strange bird.

 "Hard to starboard...brack! Hard to starboard!" the parrot squawked.

"We think that means ;almost there'" reported the cabin boy, I smiled at the good news. As I looked over the horizon I saw a East Indian Trading Company vessel.

"Finally...some fun" I said with a crooked smile, then turned to find blank stares from my crew. "To your battle stations you lazy dogs!" I yelled and everyone began scrambling to fulfill my order. Once they got close enough we raised my flag. "Fire!" I yelled and cannons to my ears.

*As the fight raged I saw that on the East Indian Trading Company vessel was a familiar face. Maldoff. One of my parents' guards that tried to raid the 'Argg!' He was trying to come onto The Purple Gun which I will soon rename as The Bloody Rose in honor of my first ship. But, he never made it to my ship, there was too much cannon fire. I was looking to destroy his ship, The Endeavor, but he wasn't looking to destroy my ship.

I only heard a few cannon fires from his ship. Then, his ship stopped moving, but The Purple Gun kept sailing on. I looked back at his ship and the main mast had fallen down. I smiled they can't track us, at least until after they make port, I thought, my crew started cheering.

*It was night. I was in my quarters staring at a map and trying to calculate how many days it would take until we hit Singapore. So far I had counted two days, then, I heard an unusual noise from the deck, so, I walked outside  and saw lights, hundreds of them! One of them got closer and closer and ever more closer until it hit my leg and caught it on fire! I gave out a yell and ran down to my sleeping crew.

"Get up you stinking bilge rats!" I yelled and many of them fell out of their hammocks. "Hands to blazes now!" I yelled running through the room back up to the deck. All of the crew was on the deck and staring dumbly at the strange lights.

Then, the lights blinked out of existence, like they never were there! "What in the bloody hell?" I asked and went to the port side.

"Maybe it was Davy Jones" one of my crew suggested.

 "No, Davy wouldn't play games like this...he would just send the kraken on us" I explained, then where the lights originally were, now the silhouette of a port stood, with a sign that said "Pirates Be Warned" and dead pirates hanging from it, I couldn't even take off my hat I was in awe.

"How did we get here so fast Cap'n?" the cabin boy asked, shaking.

 "Damned if I know" I replied staring directly at the port of Singapore.

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