The Nine Tale

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The crew had surrounded me, "five lashes, will do you right!" Boson yelled. Two of the crew members came and held my arms to ropes.

"No!" Bootstrap yelled, holding the nine tale back from hitting the soft flesh of my back.

"Impeding me of my will share the punishment!"

"I'll take it all" Bootstrap said calmly, Davy now walked on deck, I turned my head to catch the action.

"And what would cause such and act of charity?" Davy asked, crossing his barnacled arms.

"My granddaughter...she's my granddaughter" Bootstrap whispered, Davy started cackling. Then Davy took the nine tale from Boson and tried to hand it to Bootstrap ", I won't" Bootstrap said, backing away from the evil captain.

"Bous-!" Davy tried to yell.

"No!" Bootstrap yelled, snatching the nine tale away from Davy. The two crew members ripped the back of my shirt open and held me there. I tightened my grip of the ropes. Then I felt the whip hit my flesh.

I could easily compare it to a thousand bee stings, all at once. I winced in pain as Bootstrap hit me a second time. I counted the hits, but, by the third my back was too numb to feel anything anymore. On the fourth hit my knees turned to jelly and they gave out from underneath me, the two crew members holding me to the ropes had to hold me up. By the fifth hit I was out of breath, the two crew members who once held me threw me down the stairs to a lower deck.

"You had it easy!" one of the crew members yelled, cackling as I lay, motionless on the deck.

"Brittney" Bootstrap said walking over to me.

"I don't need your help" I huffed, raising myself from the deck and stumbling over to a sea weed covered wall, I had never felt such immeasurable pain before!

"Brittney, the Boson prides himself of cleaning flesh from bone"

"So, what you did was an act of compassion?" I growled spitting rain out of my mouth, I fell to my knees again as the rain stung my scars. I'm going to carry these scars to my grave I thought.

"Yes" Bootstrap said. Then, he pulled me under a roof where he gave me a clean shirt.

*The storm died down and the sea was calm, everyone was asleep, except the undead pirate on guard. But, Bootstrap took care of him. "Captain told me to relieve you" Bootstrap said to him. I was hiding behind a barrel of gunpowder. The undead pirate looked at him strangely "Captain's orders" Bootstrap said then the undead pirate went below deck and fell into his hammock.

"Won't you get punished for helping me?" I asked quietly as I climbed into a longboat.

"What more could they do to me?" Bootstrap laughed, letting the longboat touch the water. I sighed, and took up a paddle.

"I will get you off of here" I growled. Bootsrap nodded and untied the longboat. I waved goodbye and started rowing into the darkness of the night. Soon, the sun rose and I was in open water. I sighed then something hit my leg.

"Jack's compass?" I said questioningly, then, "Jack's compass!" I said excitedly, realizing what it meant. I quickly closed my eyes Jack Sparrow, Jack Sparrow, Jack Sparrow, Jack Sparrow I repeated in my mind then, opened the compass. "Northwest I go!"

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