And you are?

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And then he pulled the trigger.



I braced my self for the impact, but it never came. When Leroy pointed the gun on me, I realized that crying and begging would do nothing. So I put up a brave face for Lee's sanity and mine.

So when I heard him pull the trigger and I felt nothing, I opened my eyes. And as soon as I did, I wish I didn't.

"Jace! You idiot! What did you do!" I sobbed.

Jace smiled faintly at me. "Most people would just say thank you. But that works too." He said before clutching his stomach in pain.

I pulled back and saw blood pouring out of his stomach. I sobbed. I took off my shirt, leaving me in my tank top and pressed it to his wound.

He was closing his eyes. I slapped his cheek. "Jace, stay with me!"

He looked at me sadly. "Can you do something for me?"

"What? Anything."

"Can you tell Haylee I love her and I'm sorry." He said it so low that if I wasn't listening, I wouldn't hear it.

"No! Your not leaving. Please stay with me." I begged.

"Annabelle, listen to me. I'm not gonna make it." Tears ran out his eyes.

I looked back at Lee and saw that she was enraged. She was arguing with Leroy.

Something in her snapped and she was livid. Before I could blink, they were on the ground wrestling for the ground. Someone got a hold of the gun but I couldn't see who. Lee straddled Leroy and they fought for a while then the gun went off.

And my world went black as I saw Lee slumped back, off of Leroy and onto the ground.

Leroy got up spot free and no injuries were seen. He looked at me and he was livid.

"Look what you made me do!" He yelled.

"I didn't do anything." I know it was pretty stupid to argue with someone who had a gun but at this point, I had nothing to lose. "For someone who loves her, you have a weird way of showing affection."

"Shut up!" He yelled.

I wanted to go to Lee but I didn't want to leave Jace and Leroy was blocking my way.

Leroy aimed the gun at me and chuckled. "Any last words?"

"Fuck you." I spat.

"Belle." Lee scolded faintly from the ground. "Language."

I rolled my eyes. Lee never liked it when I cursed. Most times when I did, she would scolded me. Well except during sex, of course.

I looked at her and a faint smile tugged her lips.

"I'm sorry about your girlfriend. But if I couldn't have her, no one will. How about I let you watch the show then I make your death painless?"

He went over to Lee and knelt down.

"Don't touch me." Lee spat.

Leroy cupped her face and kissed her. It looked like he shoved his tongue in her mouth. Lee was unresponsive.

When he pulled back, Lee gagged. "Nope." She popped the 'p'. "Still gay."

From earlier struggle, it seemed as if she got shot her in the stomach so this time he aimed the gun at her thigh.

And fired.

Lee's scream echoed. It was heart wrenching and a new waves of tears cascaded down my cheeks. My heart was burning. I couldn't do anything. I felt Jace pulse and it wasn't there.

I slapped his face frantically. "Jace! Jace!"

I fisted his shirt in my hands and buried my head in his chest and wailed. "I'm so sorry."

"Stop being such a drama queen." He said lowly without opening his eyes. His pulse was faint, but it was there.

Rylee was in agony. She clutched her thigh in pain.

Leroy stood up and pointed his gun at her head. He kissed it.

And another gun shot rang out the room, once more.

Jace shut his eyes tight. "Don't tell me."

I didn't even look over there. Because if I did. I would break.

I cradled his head in my lap, I wanted his last few moments to be memorable.

The place was serene. It was quiet. I finally looked at the scene and gasped.

Leroy was on the ground. And Diamond was behind his slumped body with a gun still aimed.

Holy shit.


Holy fucking shit !

"Is he...?" Roxanne's sentence trailed off.

"Yeah." Diamond whispered.

"Diamond." I stood, resting Jace's head on the ground.

She glared at me. "I didn't do it for you." She spat then looked at Lee. "I did it for her."




That was the other thing I could feel right now. Excruciating pain. My eyelids were heavy and I could hear people talking.

I couldn't move, my body was numb.

I could hear people talking. Doctors.

The door opens and closes.

Someone holds my hand.

I can't focus on them.

I can only focus on the pain.

Oh, the pain.

I remember the first time I got shot. Leroy and I were battling for the gun. He had it and I was fighting for it. I only remember hearing a gunshot ring out. It took a while to notice the metallic and rust taste in my mouth and the excruciating pain.

It was unbearable. I can't believe Leroy did that.

I can't.



Surprisngly, when we got to the hospital. We were welcomed with opened arms. Roxanne went to the hospital as well, while Diamond and Jake stayed back to clean up the place.

We all agreed to keep the police out of this.

They would all probably end up in prison anyways.

Rylee was in a coma. The doctors said she almost didn't make it. I was sitting with her in her room. Everyday I would stay with her. The doctors even brought me a couch to sleep in. And I've been here ever since.

I was getting some coffee across the road because hospital food sucks. I came back and saw Lee sitting up in her bed frowning.

"Your awake." I grinned and rushed to her side.

I hugged her tightly and tears stung my eyes.

Everyday I planned out what I would say to her when she woke up. But I just had go and get coffee and she woke up. And I missed it. And now I couldn't utter a word to her. I was just so happy.

"I love you so much. I'm sorry for everything Lee. I don't know what I would do if I lost you." I blurted.

She pried my hands off of her and spat a sentence I never thought I would ever hear fall from her lips. Her face was filled up with confusion.

"Who are you?"


Ayyee pretty people!
A few more chapters left *wink wink*

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