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~(JADE'S POV) Can't I just peacefully walk to first period?

"Hey loser," snickered a tall blonde from the group. Obviously I couldn't.

"Hi," I muttered, making my way to class.

"Where do you think you're going, princess?" Asked an always irritating Niall.

"I'm not your princess," I snapped, trying to walk past them.

There were four of them, Niall and three girls, one tall and one short blonde, and a medium height brunette. They refused to let me get past them in the hall.

I turned around to walk the other way, and they followed. Niall came up behind me, way too close. I attempted to keep walking forward but he grabbed my arm.

I tried to pull away but his grip tightened, hurting my arm, and pulled me closer

"Of course you're not my princess," he whispered in my ear.

"Fuck off Niall," I hissed back, trying to escape his grip.

"Oh, feisty, are we?" His hot breath against my cold skin gave me the chills, chills of absolute hatred.

"You're my little bitch," he whispered again, getting even closer to my face, then knocked all of my books onto the floor. He sneered and walked back to his dogs of girls, who were giggling profusely. I was fuming. I picked up my books and started to walk/stomp to class, where I saw Stephanie sitting at her desk next to Louis. Great.

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