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Chapter 57:

~(Jade's POV) what the hell happened? Why is my voice so loud in my head? Holy shit my throat is so dry. My head feels like knives are stabbing from the inside, trying to carve a way out. It smells like...like antibiotics. Am I in a hospital? Why can't I open my eyes to see? I must just be tired. It's really quiet except for my own voice Booming in my already pounding head. Can I not hear anything? I can't move my finger to scratch my face. Ow. Ow ow ow. Something or someone is burning my arm. Go awayyyyyy. Fuck you burn in my arm. Please subside. Ok it's dulling. Thank you Jesus. My mind is hazy.~

~Holy hell my head hurts so badly. Ok that disgusting smell of medicine is still here. So I'm guessing I'm still in a hospital. Why am I in a hospital? Think, Jade, think. I was at Louis' after a fight with Niall, checked my phone, drove back and then...blank. Did I get into a crash? Dammit the knives are back in my skull. Ignore it and concentrate. Ok I was in the car, stopped at a light. Red to green, drove, loud screeching noise, and another intense and sudden pain rippled through my memory. Car crash. Definitely. Oh God. My mother must be worried sick. How long have I been in here? Am I paralyzed? Am I dead? Is this what happens? I need some pearly white gates or something. Wait. What was that? Do I hear voices? So I'm not dead. Unless...God is that you? DIDNT think so. Concentrate on hearing the voices. "She's definitely..." Was all I could make out from an unfamiliar voice. A doctor I'm guessing. FUCK OW. I want to scream, but i cant. The burning is back. So is the haze~

~"how long?" Was the first thing I heard. Speak again speak again. "It just depends on how her body reacts," said the voice from before. Doctor? "Any estimate at all?" Asked the first voice. Wait...is that...no it can't be. "Between two days and two weeks she could have all of her motor functions back," spoke Doctor. Two weeks? How long have I been in here? Obviously too long. Surprisingly I'm not feeling as much stabbing as before. No burning yet. "That's a long time, " whispered who I now I know for sure was Louis. Where's Niall? "She just needs her rest, you're welcome to stay but you won't be getting much out of her. She may be able to hear but we don't know yet," said the doctor. I heard Louis sigh and the door click. *Beep beep beep* "Niall...Man listen to me...Stop..stop..You need to come down here...She needs you...of course she wants you, that's why she's dating you...Dont you care about her?...You're a dick...yeah well at least I came down here even though we haven't talked in weeks...fuck you." *click*. Niall isn't here. He's not coming. Someone please shoot me in the arm. I thought he was sorry and wanted me back. Why is he doing this. "Jade, I don't know if you can hear me, but I want to say it anyways," Louis said. I heard the squeak of a chair. "Whatever happens after this, with you and Niall, I'm always here. I'm sorry I wasn't before. If I would've let you in the house and came out to talk to you this wouldn't have happened. Just know I'm here. I care and-" "sir we are going to give her the antibiotics now," spoke a high pitched, girly voice. "Oh, yeah ok," Said Louis. I heard the chair squeak again as he for up. I just want to reach out and hug him. Why isn't Niall here? Ow shit. Burning. Burning. Ugh. Haze. ~

~"Im so sorry Ms. Wensley," said Louis. Mom? "It's not your fault ,Lou. It's only the other drivers' fault. At least you came, unlike that piece of-" "She wouldn't like that," Louis interrupted her. "I'm sorry, I know. Lou, thank you for being here. When she wakes up you tell her ok?" She asked. Tell me what? "I will," he replied. "Bye baby," my mom said as I felt someone touch my arm. Then the sound of the door click. I felt Louis touch my hand. "Jade, if you can hear me, please do everything you can do squeeze my finger or something," he begged. Ok, focus. Tell my brain to tell my arm to tell my hand to tell my finger to squeeze. Why is this so fucking difficult? "C'mon Jade. For me?" I tried again. And after a few minutes I felt my finger move and the pressure hit Louis' hand. "Yes! Oh my God yes!" He said, taking my hand and kissing it. If I could smile right now I would. That was exhausting. And for the first time, I didn't need the burn to fall back asleep. ~

~Holy shit it's bright in here. I blinked my eyes open and saw the extremely white walls I have been trapped in for so long. I had some wires hooked up to my arms but there weren't that many. My head didn't hurt as bad. I turned to observe the room and saw Louis sleeping in the chair in the corner. He looks exhausted. I watched him for a while until his eyes slowly fluttered open and saw my face. "Jade? You're awake!" He exclaimed, running over to me. He took my hand. I tried to say hi but my throat was way too dry. "Oh I'll get you help!" He said, running out of the room and returning moments later with a doctor, nurse, and water. They all smiled as I took a sip and felt it soothe my throat. "Hi," I said. "Hi," said Louis, eyes twinkling. "We are going to detach these wires from you and then you're free to go! You can ask Louis or us any questions you have," said the doctor as the nurse pulled off some wires. "Yeah, um, what happened?" I asked as the nurse pulled off the last wire.


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