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Chapter 66:

~(Jade's POV) I can't open it. I'm shaking. Literally shaking. I don't know what to do. What could he possibly have to say to me now? It's been two weeks since he's broken my heart and not said a word. I'll open the message, but that doesn't mean I have to respond, right? Ok. 'Hey Jade. I just wanted to see how you were doing. I've been thinking about you a lot. I know you won't accept it, but I apologize so much for what I did. -Niall' no no no no no. Stop. I just want to tell him off so bad...but I know I would regret it. I want to be the bigger person. I'll wait an hour to respond and then respond. Maybe.

~1 Hour Later~

Ok it's exactly an hour later and I've read two entire chapters out of my anatomy book and I comprehended about 0% of it. The phone is taunting me. Ok I got this. I GAWT DISSS. Sorry, I had a moment. Now what? 'Hi,' send done. That was way too difficult. Maybe I should have said something deep and mysterious to make him think a little...but I don't think boys think so it probably wouldn't have worked. What if he responds? Oh shit I did not plan this out well. *ding* 'Is that An accepted apology smell in the air?' His text read. Is it? No. Hard to get. 'Not exactly.' *ding* 'What else could I do to make it up to you? :(' shit it's the sad face. He knows that's my weakness. I can just picture him sitting there with his bottom lip jutting out...'you can't take back what you did.' *ding* 'I would if I could' 'Niall, stop' fucking tears go away. 'Stop what?' 'Stop acting like you care. You don't you didn't and you won't, you made that very clear. I can't take this extra stress. I have a show soon. Please don't do this to me,' im bawling. Why am I bawling? He deserves this. It's all true. I guess that's why I'm bawling. The truth hurts. 'Jade I want to fix this. I was so stupid. Please hear me out.' There's no way in hell I'm hearing him out. 'Goodbye, Niall.' That was the last thing I needed tonight. Sleep is the first.


"Hey Jade," said an overly bright Louis. Just too radiant to handle today, after last night. "Were you avoiding me all day?" He asked with a slightly amused look. "Only half heartedly," I joked. Honestly, I was avoiding him. But it wasn't just him I was avoiding. I was avoiding the whole human population today. No socializing for me please and thanks. "Jade, I know Niall texted you yesterday," Louis pressed on as he followed me to the car. (No rehearsal today since it's Friday) I stopped in my tracks and turned to face him as he almost bumped into me. I tried to be intimidating, but it's hard when he's at least a head taller than me. "How. Did. You. Know. That?" I said through gritted teeth. He put his hands up in a mock surrender and took a step back when I stepped forward. "Calm down little nugget," he said smiling. "This isn't funny 'boobear'," I taunted. "Hilarious, doll face ," he laughed, stepping closer to me. Fuck his height. "Stop it Louis, I'm being serious," I said, keeping my ground, but my voice shaking a little. "Me too, princess," he snickered with a smirk that could kill. Chills. He came so close we could've held a magazine between each other, and as much as I wanted to step back, I resisted the instinct. His smell started to loom around us. "Louis," I started. "Stay still," he whispered. "Why I-" and I was interrupted by Louis literally throwing me over his shoulder. Not only was I scared out of my mind, but everyone in the parking lot was watching us and laughing. I repeatedly kept hitting Louis' back and eventually his ass because that's where my head started lurking towards. "Put me down!" I yelled. "Quiet little nugget," he laughed as he put me into the car and buckled me in quickly. I sighed and attempted to fix my now extremely messy hair. He hopped into his side of the car with a huge grin on his face. "That's dangerous, you know! Ive had a head injury! What If I went unconscious?" I asked trying to sound more concerned than I actually was. "I would've dropped you and ran," he laughed. I punched him in the arm and laughed too. "Lou, can you tell me how you found out Niall texted me?" I asked. I hated ruining the moment, but I wasn't letting it slip. "He, uh, he texted me," Louis said. "He texted you?!" I asked, astonished. "Since when did you guys even have each others' numbers?" I half-joked. "I don't know actually. But yeah, he texted me asking me to text you to see if you would respond so he could text you right after so he'd know if you ignored him. That's why I asked about homework..." Louis explained. "Oh," I said. "So did he tell you what we talked about?" I asked. "No." "Do you want to know?" "If you're ok with it. I don't want to bot-" "he apologized but I didn't accept it," I interrupted. "Oh," was all he responded. "I don't know what to do, Lou," I whined as I watched the street roll passed us out the window. "I wish I could tell you, but you're the only one who knows how your heart feels," he offered. "It feels...broken, shattered. But empty and I don't know if it's because he left me or because I miss him. And there's a difference," I sighed. "You know what you need to do?" He asked as we pulled up to my house. "What?" "You need to get your mind off of him and rest your pretty little head! We have a show in a few days!" He smiled as he hopped out of the car, came to my side, and opened the door. "You're right, I'm going to not text him and keep it all on the down low for the next few days," I said as I climbed out of the car and walked to the front door. "Thanks Lou," I said as I opened the door, stepped inside, and closed it. It's not easy to just forget someone. Niall was so much more than just a boyfriend to me. I can't get into this loop of loss and want. I ran upstairs, changed into some pajamas, and laid on my bed and scrolled through tumblr before doing homework. Not even fifteen minutes into my "relaxing" time, the door bell rang. I ignored it. It rang again. What the hell? I looked outside my window to see Louis outside and then I saw him pick up his phone right when mine started to ring. I ran downstairs and opened the door. "Whaaaaaaat?" I asked, annoyed. "Oh hi to you too," he smiled. "Sorry I'm supposed to be 'relaxing'," I said as I crossed my arms over my chest. He laughed. "And I'm here to help," he said as he walked in and I realized the bag in his hands. "I got you some McDonald's because I know you like it, even though it's fattening and gross, and some chick flicks," he said, throwing the DVDs at me. "You got me Mean Girls?" I laughed. "Well you never stop quoting it so I figured I should watch it and munch on some crisps with you," he said as he sat on the couch and turned on the tv. "Why are you so great to me?" I asked as I sat down next to him. "Because I love you," he said matter of factly. I looked at him as he watched the screen and ate his fries. He's too good for me.


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