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~(Jade's POV) I walked off of the stage with Niall and we sat in the audience together, watching other actors perform. I kept glancing at him and thinking about how my heart fluttered when he said he loved me...even though we were acting. I bounced my leg anxiously, like I always do, and he put his hand on it.

"Calm down babe," he said. I stopped my leg and acted like I was ignoring him. I pretty much zoned out until I heard my name called up to go sing. I walked on stage and started up my iHome.

"Hi, I'm Jade Wensley and I will be singing 'Big Blonde and Beautiful' from the musical Hairspray," I said, smiling. I got a few "oohs" from the crowd as people recognized the song. It's definitely not a slow song, it's upbeat and happy and a fun character. I started the song and did everything I practiced, moved around the stage, and sung my heart out. I got some people to laugh and when I finished I got applause. I was extremely satisfied.

I went back to my seat and grabbed my stuff, ready to leave, but Niall stopped me.

"Aren't you going to stay and watch me, sweetheart?" He asked with puppy dog eyes.

"Niall I really should go and-"

"Cmooon," he whined.

I sighed, "fine." I sat down, and, conveniently enough, Niall was called up next. 'What is he going to sing? Justin Bieber?' I thought to myself.

"Hi, I'm Niall Horan and I will be singing Let It Be by The Beatles," my heart jumped. I love The Beatles with a burning passion. He took a sip of water and started singing acapella, his voice echoing off the walls of the room.

I got chills, especially when he got to the chorus. He kept his gaze on the back of the room, but sometimes it wondered in my direction and I couldn't help but blush. When he finished everyone cheered, and all the girls nearly screamed. I waited for him to get back to his seat and then we stood up and walked out together.

"That was...fantastic," I said to him.

"Thanks, you weren't half bad yourself," he said with a wink.

I playfully shoved him and laughed, "shut up, jerk."

"Aw, you know you don't want me to shut up. You want to hear my angelic voice," he said, imitating me.

"I never said that!"

"But you thought it," he said. Can he get more cocky?

"Don't ruin it, Niall," I said, trying not to let him get to me.

"Ruin what?" He asked, stepping closer.

"Us? What we had in there?" He asked again, even closer to my face. I didn't reply.

"Don't worry babe, I am not the one who can ruin this," he whispered. He poked my cheek and laughed at my shocked expression. He walked down the hall and out the door swiftly.

What the fuck is he talking about?  

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