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Chapter 39:

~(Jade's POV) Nando's. Typical. I turned in my seat to open my door, but Niall was already opening it for me. I smiled and got out of the car. He looked down at me and took my hand in his. It felt...different. I let my muscles relax so I didn't seem so tense and nervous around him, even though I am. I looked up to see that he was humming again. He really has a lovely voice. He squeezed my hand and opened the entrance door for me. "For the lovely lady," he said in a weird accent. I couldn't contain my laughter as we stepped into the restaurant. We sat at a table and ordered some drinks. I looked over the menu but I already knew what I wanted, having been here so many times. I put my menu down and looked at my already chipping nail polish. "So," Niall said. I looked up and realized how close we were. "Are you excited for rehearsals to start?" Niall asked. "Definitely. But Im kind of nervous," I admitted. "Nervous? What for? You already have he part," Niall said, sipping his newly arrived drink. "Yeah but I-" "what would you guys like to eat?" Interrupted the waitress. God, I hate when they do that. Can't they see I'm having a conversation? "I'll have the cheeseburger with a side of chips," I said, handing the menu to our waitress. "You?" She asked, turning to Niall. She leaned over the table, flashing some obviously pushed up cleavage. Hoebagel. I felt a pang of jealousy as he shot her one of his breathtaking smiles after looking up from he menu. But it quickly faded once he saw what she was trying to do. "I will have he same as Jade," he said, gesturing to me. "Coming right up," she said, taking the menu from Niall's hands. I watched her walk away, swishing her huge ass. Desperate hoes these da- "you're taking on that burger?" Niall asked, interrupting my thoughts. "Hell yeah," I said, sipping my water. "You're taking on that waitress? I mean, she definitely was liking you," I half joked, wiggling my eyebrows. He chuckled. "Nah, she's not...I don't want to put her down or anything but..just no," he laughed, twirling his straw in his glass. "You're taking on uh, Tomlinson? He seems to be liking you," he said in a mocking tone. I nearly spit out my water. I did choke. After pounding on my chest a few times to stop from a sudden death, he said, "Well that's an interesting reaction." I laughed at his amusement. "Louis and I are...he's, it's just complicated," I sighed. "Oh," was his only response. "Two burgers," said a grumpy old lady who replaced our old waitress. Good timing. We both dug in. If I was a bystander, I would say Niall and I definitely ate like pigs. We didn't exchange many words throughout the meal besides "oh this is great," or "how's science?" He finished his whole burger a few minutes before me and watched me eat. It was uncomfortable to say the least. I swallowed a bite and wiped my mouth. "Why are you watching me eat?" I asked. "I've never seen a girl eat like that," he said, mouth agape. "Well...I like to eat," I laughed awkwardly. "Yeah it's almost...in a certain way, uh, really hot," he said. I felt my face heat up as I took in the last bite of my delicious burger. Did he just call me hot? I pushed the empty plate in the middle of the table as a sign saying I'm done. It took me a few minutes to recuperate from the large portion of food I just filled myself with, and Niall talked about some History project he had to do but wasn't sure how. "Do you, maybe want to come help me out on Tuesday?" He asked. "Tuesday?" I asked, mentally taking a rain check. "After rehearsal we could just drive to my house and then I will drive you home when we're done?" He asked again. I couldn't find a reason not to. Well, except for the thousands of mini Louis' in my head screaming 'NO HES BAD NEWS!' "Sure, sounds like a plan," I said. "Sweet," he replied, paying the check and standing up. We walked out of the restaurant hand in hand again. "That was fun. Thanks," I said as he turned me towards the car door. I had my back next to my passenger door, waiting for him to unlock it. He leaned extremely close to me, his scent filling my nostrils. I'm a sucker for a guy who smells good. "Mmm," I hummed, thinking it would be internally. He looked over at me and I felt my face turn bright red as I realized what I'd just done. "Oh I didn't mean to...uh, yeah," I said, my voice turning to a whisper as he hovered over me. My body was between Niall and the car. I looked up at him and saw an adorable grin fall over his face as I felt butterflies in my stomach. Butterflies. Holy shit. Next thing I knew his lips were on mine...


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