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Chapter 59:

~(Jade's POV) During the ride to my house we didn't say one word to each other. I stared out the window to watch the raindrops slowly hit the pavement. It's the little things in life like that that get taken for granted. Maybe everyone needs a near death experience...anyways, the second Louis pulled into my driveway I nearly ran out of the car. "Jade wait," Louis called to me as I stepped into the pouring rain. "Can't we talk about this?" He purged on as I walked the soaking way to the front door. "Can't we at least be friends?" He called again, now out of the car and walking to me. I sighed and turned to face him. "We both know you and I don't look at each other the same way," I said as he got even closer. Since when did his hair look so good when it was damp? "I know. But I'd put all my feelings aside if it meant we could at least be friends again. I just miss you," he said, finally stepping under the porch. "Why do you still want to talk to me after all the trouble I've caused you?" I asked. "Because... I love you," he said. I winced. How can he just do that? How does he just make it seem so easy? How can he do it and Niall and I can't. I don't know how long I didn't respond. I just couldn't. What do you say to that? "I love you, Jade. I love you as a person. I love you as a being. I love you as a friend. I love you as a best friend. And I want to be able to be here for you when he's not. Because everyone needs a backup. I want to be here to help you like I am now. Why can't you accept that? I'm not making moves on you, Jade. I'm trying to care for you," he said. His words were so soft and kind, but they stabbed my heart. I'm such a bitch. "Ok," I whispered. "Ok?" He asked. I looked up and made eye contact with his sea blue eyes. "Ok!" He smiled. I did miss that smile. I guess I really did miss him. But he's not the only one I'm missing right now.


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