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Chapter 63:

~(Jade's POV) I woke up and Niall was still fast asleep next to me. Just like he was the four other times I awoke in the middle of the night. I couldn't sleep knowing that he would be gone in a week. It wouldn't be for too long, but he would still be gone. I need to make this count. I slowly crawled out of bed, trying not to disturb the sleeping boy, and tiptoed downstairs and into the kitchen. It would be really cool if I knew how to cook well. But, I don't. Google. After about an hour and a half I had a dozen pancakes, bacon, and two hash browns ready. I stared at the plates for fifteen minutes, trying to debate whether I could wait for him to wake up before I ate or not...I can't. I grabbed my plate and set it down on the coffee table in front of the TV just as Niall came walking groggily down the stairs. He rubbed his eyes and yawned super loud. I laughed at how cute he was. "Do I smell...food?" he asked, his eyes lighting up. "All on the counter babe, help yourself," I smiled. He nearly ran to the kitchen and came back out with all of the food he could possibly fit onto one plate. He eats like a pig but doesn't gain weight...lucky bitch. We ate in silence, enjoying the peaceful morning sun and chirping birds. He finished before me even though I had a head start, and decided to tell me about our next adventure. "Well, our adventure begins with stops all over the big city," he began. "Are we going to be tourists?" I laughed. "Silly, silly girl," he sighed, scuffling up my already messy bed head. "Then what are we doing?" I asked as he got up from the couch. "You'll see. Just wear something...casual. We will be doing a lot of walking, though. And it seems fairly nice out today, so just be comfortable," he smiled. He took his plates into the kitchen and cleaned them off as I sat and wondered what he could have planned after how extraordinary last night was. I finished up and joined him in the kitchen. We ended up with soap all over our bed time clothes (or lack of, in Niall's case), and had to take a quick shower. I got out of the shower and dried my now soap-less hair when Niall stood beside me in front of the mirror. "I'm going to go get some clothes from my place and I will be back in an hour or so. Remember, casual," he said. "Alright Mr. Fashion Police," I laughed. "Shut up," he smiled, and left just after a quick kiss. I quickly dried my hair and nearly died picking out my outfit. Sometimes I think I try too hard to impress that boy...but he's so worth it. And these last few days together are definitely worth the extra twenty minutes of appearance preparation. I finally decided on my loose, charcoal shirt, h blue and white printed shorts, grey Vans, and a nice blue bow. I went easy on the make up, and before I knew it, Niall was ringing the door bell. He was dressed in normal jeans and a t-shirt, but he makes normal look extremely attractive. "So, the city?" I asked as I took his hand and he led me to his car. "The city," he smiled.

-When we got there, it was about 2:00 in the afternoon and, to my surprise, it wasn't that crowded. "Okay, so, I've decided to take you on a shopping spree," Niall said. "You are taking me shopping?" I asked, the pitch of my voice going higher and my eyes beaming. He laughed. "Yes, unless you don't want to of-" "OF COURSE I WANT TO LET'S GO!" I screamed, grabbed his hand, and ran towards Top Shop.

-At around 6:30, we had stopped at so many shops and gotten so many things that I feel like Niall's arms were about to fall off. I started to feel guilty spending all of his money, though. "You really didn't have to do this for me...I can put half of these back," I said as we walked to the car. "No, really, this is all for you. I'm happy you got some stuff you liked," he said as he put the loads of clothes, shoes, and other accessories into the back of his car. We got into the car and I couldn't stop thanking him for such a wonderful day. "You are the best boyfriend ever. Really, thank you so so so so so so so SO MUCH!" I said as I kissed him on the cheek. "It's no big deal! Really, after all you've done for me, you deserve this. Especially after that hell of a breakfast this morning!" he winked. I laughed and we continued our ride home just joking around and having a great time. Once we got back to my house and unloaded all of the clothes into my room, I decided it was okay if I let Niall have the night off of Jade duty. "Thank you again, babe," I said before kissing him. "No problem, but the day's not over yet! The night is still young..." he winked. "Niall, you know we can't-" "Not that, though I wouldn't mind it sometime, but that's not what I was talking about. I was talking about the Mumford and Sons tickets I got us for tonight!" he said. The...no way. No fucking way. "Are you serious?" I asked in disbelief. "Yep! Some of the guys from the band know them personally so we got V.I.P. seats! They couldn't get us a meet and greet, but this is still pretty great," he said, pulling out the tickets from his back pocket. "Pretty great? This is fucking wonderful!" I laughed, hugging him. "Okay, now go put on some of those pretty new clothes from today so we can get going, show starts in an hour!" he called, shutting the door and leaving me with the difficult task of choosing out of my new clothes what to wear...

-I got it. It's perfect for their concert. I've decided on my M&S tee, short jean shorts, ankle boots, and my blue beanie. I'm so excited I can't even-Niall's here.

-The whole way to the concert I was bouncing up and down in my seat. Literally. Niall put his hand on me three times and laughed, telling me to calm down. But how am I supposed to calm down? IT'S MUMFORD AND SONS HELLO! Once we got there, we didn't have to wait in line because we were VIP's, and our seats were fabulous. Perfect view of the whole stage. When they came out and started playing "Little Lion Man", I had tears in my eyes. The whole show was absolutely wonderful and I sang along to every song loud and proud. Niall got a business call at some point, but when he came back he said it wasn't a big deal, or it could wait, or something, I don't really know. I was too into the show to really pay that much attention. After the show I got another shirt and was raving about it the whole way home. Only halfway home did I realize that Niall wasn't as excited as I was. Or really even close at all. "What's wrong?" I asked. "Nothing. All's good," he responded. Right. Sure. "Niall, tell me right now or I might jump out of this car. I have adrenaline right now, don't make me do it," I hollowly threatened. "They moved the tour," he said. "That's great! We have more time together!" I exclaimed. Until I realized he didn't seem happy. He wasn't excited. "oh shit..." I muttered. "They moved the tour, to Monday. We leave tomorrow in the late afternoon," he said through gritted teeth. His fingers tightened around the steering wheel. My heart was beating slower, now. The concert forgotten. "It's, it's ok. We still have tonight and we can say good-bye and it will be fine. You will be fine Niall, it's-" "It's not okay! It's never okay. Nothing is okay, Jade. How do you not see it?" He shouted. "Wh-what do you mean?" I asked, shocked. Everything was fine. We were going so well. "I just wanted to spoil you and have these last few days good together so that I could break up with you before I left for tour," he sighed. My heart dropped. I dropped. My whole world dropped.


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