69: The End

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Chapter 69-Last chapter:

~(Jade's POV) It's time. The last scene of the last show is here. I'm standing off stage left, waiting for my cue to run on stage. There it is. I'm still not used to these outrageously bright lights. I'm still not used to the fact that I'm acting with Louis instead of Niall. I'm still not used to Niall being away and having to hide my feelings for my own sanity. Cue line again. Two more lines in the play and a kiss and a curtain and then it's over. One more line. The kiss. Louis and I leaned in like we have so many times before, and locked lips. The crowd cheered and hollered as they always do. Louis and I pulled apart as the crowd continued to cheer and the curtain came down. Until this exact moment in time, behind the thick black curtain with tons of people cheering in the audience, until I looked into his eyes, I had always questioned whether I had feelings for Louis over Niall. I always thought that since I had kept Louis as an option, it meant my feelings weren't real for Niall. But, at that moment, that's when I knew... It's Niall...it always has been. This kiss with Louis has nothing Niall and I share. The spark I got when Niall kissed me on the cheek last night was stronger than this of Louis and my lips touching, and that's something I can't deny. Through the fights and laughs and struggles and everything our messed up relationship has been through, Niall and I have become closer. It's taken me so long to realize it, but Niall is the one for me, the only one for me. Louis is such a good friend, a good person, and he deserves someone just as great as him. "Louis I-" "I know, love, I know," Louis whispered, stroking my cheek, as the crowd cheered when people went out for bows. I couldn't take my eyes off him, trying to read his emotions. I couldn't decipher him at all. I wasn't sure of what he said he knew, but I want to hope we are on the same page. He pulled my hand as our names were called for the final bows. I gripped his hand tightly and we walked to center stage in front of the roaring crowd of schoolmates I've learned to deal with. I could barely see through the blinding lights, but the second they started to dim I saw Stephanie and Charlotte standing next to each other in the crowd, having become great friends through this month that I've completely neglected their existence. I turned to Louis because he saw it too. He was smiling. God, I love that smile. I want him to always be happy. I'd give anything for him to remain smiling. We walked off of the stage as people began to exit, and Louis instantly pulled me into the shadows of the wing. "Jade, I love you," he whispered into the darkness. I sighed. "Louis, I want you to know I'm-" "But not in a romantic way. I love you as a best friend. I want you to be happy and I feel like a dumb arse because it took me this long to see that Niall makes you happy. I see how you smile every time he texts you. I see how your face lights up when you guys talk. And I'm happy to say that his does the same about you. He talks about you all the time and how he can try to make things right with you again, and I was so against it for such a long time, but I can't keep you guys apart. You love him. He loves you. I love you guys. He makes you smile in a different way than I do, and I like it. You're so unique and Niall is going to treat you right. Yeah, he can be a fuck up, but who can't? If he doesn't I will beat the living shit out of him, mark my word. Jade...I'm sorry for being an ass about you guys. You guys are perfect for each other and I-" "Oh Lou," I laughed, hugging him to shut him up. Can this boy be any more perfect? He's my perfect Lou. I was literally shaking. I don't know if it was the adrenaline from the performance or the fact that Louis just said all of the words I've wanted to hear from someone, but whatever it was, I liked it. "I have a surprise," Louis said, pulling me out of his comforting embrace. "What?" I laughed through warm tears. Since when was I crying? He pulled my hand and pulled me back onto center stage. The stage was empty and so were the theatre seats. "What are you doing?" I laughed as Louis pushed me towards the front of the stage, almost making me fall off. I saw that there were flower petals covering the floor, and the spotlight was still on the center of the stage, blinding me. I felt Louis slide away from me as the lights dimmed and the spotlight shifted its focus to a figure in the back of the room. The whole theatre was completely black except for that spot in the back of the room. Suddenly the second spotlight came onto illuminate me again. I literally couldn't make out anything past the first row of theatre seat; including the figure, so I couldn't see who it was. I wanted to run off stage to find Louis, but the song stopped me the second I heard it come from his mouth, "And your heart's against my Chest," the voice sang. My heart was pounding. It can't be..."You're lips pressed to my neck," he sang. The backlight followed his figure as he came towards the stage. I started shaking even more than usual and had to force my wobbly knees together. "And this feeling I'll forget," he sang as the light faded into a bright white, glowing around Niall like he was an angel. He hopped up on stage and put his arm around me. The tears spilled over my eyes as he held me close. "I'm in love now," he sang. The instrumental of the song started to fill the theatre as we swayed in each others arms, enjoying the music. I couldn't believe he was here. "I love you," he whispered, his forehead on mine. He said it. The three words I have been waiting to hear for months. My heart leapt out of my chest and my throat swelled up. "I love you too," I whispered back, barely audible enough for him to hear. I felt like if I spoke, this whole thing would shatter and I would wake up in my room, but I couldn't help but to ask questions. "How did you get here? What about the tour?" I asked. "Louis called me up earlier today and helped convince me to come and booked the first flight home from our last performance and got me here in time for bows," he said. "He helped me tell the tour manager it was an emergency. I needed to be here, and I don't have to go back for the rest of the tour. Louis is such a good guy," Niall said, smiling. "He is," I whispered, looking up into Niall's blue eyes. "And you're here," I said, smiling. "And I'm yours. Forever and always," he smiled. "Forever and always," I said back. He leaned down and kissed me like never before. If this isn't love I don't know what is, and I don't want to. Because this is perfect. He's mine. I'm his. We're together. Forever and always. And to think that I thought things never worked out, I'm glad I was proven wrong.

~The End~


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