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Chapter 61:

~(Jade's POV) "Ok, um, remember when you were over a little while before the...accident?" He started. "Yes..." I said, probing him to continue. "Do you remember how I took a phone call and told you I would tell you about It later, when the time was right?" He asked again. "Yes, Niall," I sighed, bored of his stalling. Just hit me with it. "Well, I guess now is the right time. So, when I was on the phone, I was talking to that band I told you I played with a few times. And they said they really liked me and wanted me to play with them," he said. "That's great, Niall! Why would you want to keep that from me?" I asked confused. This isn't a bad thing. "Well, they want me to play with them...on tour. We leave in a week. And we'll be gone over the days we perform our play, which is in three weeks. I'll be gone for four weeks, traveling around the UK with this band and...And I didn't know how to tell you," he smiled weakly. Ok. So this is nothing I had prepared myself for. If he would've said he was cheating, then I had all my responses prepared, but going on tour? That wasn't in the agenda. "Oh, umm," I choked out. "I'm really happy for you," I smiled back. "Really? You aren't mad that I'm leaving?" he asked. "No, I'm not mad. Sad, yes. I mean, I'm going to miss you of course. But the show must go on! Don't worry about that. I am just really happy that you have this opportunity," I said, trying to convince both myself and him. I mean, I am happy for him. But it's going to absolutely suck without him here, especially with my mom gone. "You're the best babe," he smiled. He leaned over and kissed me on the forehead. I've missed that. "Not to dim the mood or anything, but that doesn't really explain why you weren't at the hospital," I questioned. "In my own stupid reasoning, I thought it would be better for me and you to be separated so that we could get used to not being together, like when I'm on tour. All I know is that I couldn't bear being away from you and I looked like a total dick because of it. I am so sorry I didn't go see you. And even now, sitting here, I know I want to spend every minute with you before I have to leave," he explained. As stupid as that reason sounded, I wanted to believe it. I really, really, really, did. I looked down played with his fingers. "Nialler," I sighed. "I want to spend every second before I leave, with you. It's going to be so hard being away from you. I will call you every night and text you every day and I will try and skype a lot too, ok?" He asked. I laughed at his worried expression. He acted like he was leaving for war for a year or something. It was just a few weeks. Just a few weeks won't hurt, right? "Yes. But, for now, let's stop worrying and have a good, fun week before you leave Saturday morning, yeah?" I smiled. "That sounds great to me, babe. I actually had, um, a sort of, kind of like an adventure-thing planned out, if you're up to it..?" he asked. My God he is so cute. "I'm always up for it," I grinned. "Okay," he said, pulling a folded up piece of paper from out of his pocket. "We are going to do some crazy shit. But first, go put on something fancy, heels and everything, and I'm going to go home and change, and I will come back and pick you up in no longer than twenty minutes," he explained. "Um, Niall..." I said. "What? What's wrong?" he asked. "You expect me to be ready and fancied-up in only twenty minutes?" I laughed. "You'll look fine no matter what. See you in twenty," he smiled. He gave me a quick kiss and hopped off the couch and walked out of the door. I didn't move until I heard the roar of his car engine fade away. I slowly got up from the dark blue couch and walked up the stairs to my room. Fancy, huh? I'm ready for the adventure.


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