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~ (Jade's POV) Since the night Niall came back and we officially started to date again, a lot has happened. First, and most importantly, my mom was released from work healthy. It took a few long, silent, despairing weeks, but she's better. Niall and Louis and I were all able to go visit her in her last few days of recovery and help get her back home safe and healthy. It's so much nicer having her in the house, and I couldn't appreciate her more. Charlotte and Stephanie are proclaimed best friends of the school. They're the two who take an obnoxious amount of pictures and post them all over Facebook and Instagram; but hey, why should I stop them? We've made sort of a peace treaty as to being on equal terms to not disturb each other, and occasionally grab coffee or tea and study anatomy together, but that's about it, and I won't complain one bit. Lastly is Louis. For helping him come out here for our last show, Niall wanted to give Louis a sort of thank you gift. I suggested a guys trip to a football game, but no. Niall decided hooking Louis up with the backup vocalist, Lily, from the band Niall toured with was a good gift, and it turned out better than expected. They hit it off right away and Louis asked her out on top of the London Eye the other day. They are the cutest couple I have ever seen. Where do we go from here? I'm not exactly sure. Niall has been offered to tour with a few bands, I've been offered to a Uni, and we've both applied for some small jobs around town to rack in some money before going off on our own. I guess, through this whole thing, I've realized that you never know where life can take you. Rock bottom seems to have been the foundation where I built the rest of my life. I'm happy. We're happy. Everything did work out. I'm ready for the next turn in events; I'm ready for whatever life has to throw at me next, because that's what life is about isn't it? Experiences can only make you wiser in the end. And that's where we have come to in this story,

The End.


Play The Game (A One Direction Fanfiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora