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Chapter 31:

~(Jade's POV) "what did she say?" I asked, not really wanting to know the answer. "She just said you told her...everything," he replied. "No specifics?" I asked. "She refused to tell me. She just kept saying 'I know everything' and she was really upset. I didn't know what to do. And I was in her house so it was awkward thinking her parents could come home soon and probably hate me and I'm sure they do already and now she probably hates me too," he rambled. We were still facing each other on the couch, but now Louis had his head on his hands again. "I apologized profusely and I actually started crying. Why the Fuck am I Crying so much? I'm not supposed to cry! " he exclaimed, letting a few tears fall. I didn't say anything, I wanted to let him get everything out before I put in my two cents...if I even have any. "She said, 'Why Louis?' And I told her I honestly didn't know, because I didn't. I mean, I've been avoiding you this whole time I've dated her and I barely talk to you and we almost act like we hate each other in a way, so I can understand why she doesn't understand why I kissed you. But then she said, 'I'm so much better than that dirty little...' And a lot of other rude stuff about you that I'm not going to say. And I couldn't take it. So I yelled back at her. I yelled what I've secretly known all along. And I think everyone secretly knew," he said, my attention fully his. My whole being was wrapped up in this conversation. These words are making and breaking me. I so badly wanted to shake him and scream 'WHAT DID YOU YELL?' While he took a breath, but I didn't. I kept my cool and awaited his words. "I had tears on my face and so did she. I yelled, 'I kissed Jade because I like her! I always have and I know she likes me. She's wonderful and you're a bitch!' And she just stood there, stunned. And I stood there stunned. I didn't believe the words until I said them, or maybe I did. But that's not the point. The point is, I believe them now. I really, really do. I...I like you Jade, a lot," he said.


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