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Chapter 41:

~(Jade's POV) Talk about awkward. If I was stupid, I would be asking myself if Louis saw us kiss. But I know he did. It's that smug look on his face that tells me everything. "Uh, hi Lou, we were just going..." I said. Niall stood next to me, his hand around my waist. I felt tingly under his touch. I sound like a 14 year old girl...whatever. "Oh yeah, I just saw you guys and thought I'd say hi," Louis said, glaring at Niall with an innocent looking smile on his face. "Well...hi," Niall said with a cheesy grin to match Louis'. "Have a nice meal," Niall said as he opened my car door and nearly shoved me inside. He locked the door from the outside. Wait...he Locked the door from the outside? What the fuck? I looked out the window to see the boys arguing. I couldn't hear what. I listened as closely as I could. "Niall, just leave her the fuck alone. She's too good for your stupid games," Louis said. "This isn't a game. I like her. A lot. And she's going to be mine," Niall said. "Not if I have anything to do with it," said Louis, clenching his jaw. "What're you going to do, lover boy?" Teased Niall. "You just wait. I'm going to-" and then Niall punched him. Like...full on punched him in the face. Louis fell to the ground but wasn't knocked out. "I'm not waiting," Niall spat and walked back towards the car. Louis turned his face and I saw he had a bloody nose. His eyes looked at me through the car window and I could see how hurt he was, physically and emotionally. Niall soon hopped into the car and I turned my head away from the window, not being able to hold myself together while looking at Lou. Niall put his hand on mine. "It's ok babe," he whispered as we drove away.


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