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Chapter 55

~(jade's POV) I watched Niall's face, searched for answers, as I waited anxiously on his lap. He wasn't answering right away. Instead he was staring just above my head, getting lost in his own thought. "Why do you get so upset about it?" He asked, no emotion in his voice, no eye contact. Nothing. "Why won't you tell me?" I whispered, my eyebrows crinkling in confusion and anger. He still wasn't looking at me. What the absolute fuck? "I didn't want to tell you yet and Im hoping you will respect that," he responded, moving his gaze down to my questioning face. I still couldn't read him. "I want to...but you're just making me so nervous," I said, moving my face away from his. "What is there to be nervous about?" He asked, his voice now soothing and seductive. Obviously trying to change the subject. Now is not the time. I moved away from him even more, sliding off of his lap and onto my feet on his bedroom floor. I ran a hand through my hair before speaking. This wording had to be precise. "I get nervous that when you're...so secretive it makes me wonder why. And the first thing that could pop up in my head is your past and-" "You think I'm cheating on you?" He asked, his voice raised as he stood up from the bed and walked closer to me. His stature is absolutely terrifying. I felt stuck in place as he stepped closer and closer to me. Closing the only gap of security I had. My walls were back up. Back to where they were when he took me to Nandos and punched Louis, weeks ago. He must've felt it too as he stood in front of me, my eyes staring up at him, anticipating the worst. "I can't believe you would just assume that," he finally muttered, his face softening for a second as he looked at the ground. Only to harden once he made eye contact with me again. "I am not the bad guy in this," I said, my voice coming out stronger than expected. No guy...nobody is going to push me around like Chris did. I don't give a fuck if he's 6'8 and 250 pounds. The bigger they are, the harder they fall. "I don't know what the fuck is going on with you and your little secrets, but Im not going to wait around and get shit on in the end. So either you tell me the truth, now, or I walk out," I said, getting even closer to him than before. "You're overreacting," he said through gritted teeth. "What the hell did I do to make you lose all your trust in me?" He asked, irritated. "It wasn't you and it doesn't matter," I stated. "Some guy hurt you way back and now every guy out there is untrustworthy and a pig? That's shit, Jade. I've tried so hard to climb over those walls you built, and the second I thought I made it, you flung me out!" He exclaimed. He was pacing now, hands running through his hair. He's still shirtless. His veins in his forehead sticking out due to stress and anger. "It wasn't just some guy," I whispered. "Who was it? The love of your life or some shit? Did Your first love break your heart, princess?" He asked tauntingly. "Stop. Shut the fuck up Niall," I hissed. "Some long relationship gone wrong?" He pressed on. "Please. Please just stop," I tried. Tears started to well up in my eyes. "C'mon princess, This guy must've been SOO great if he hurt you this badly-" "it was-" "sorry princess, a little louder this time?" He taunted. "IT WAS MY FUCKING DAD. ARE YOU HAPPY? Are you happy now, PRINCE?" I screamed and ran out of the room. The tears were all down my cheeks now. I ran down the stairs, grabbed my purse and ran out the door, not caring what I was wearing. Not caring about the silence that filled my mind. I was in my car and driving before I even knew where I was going. How convenient that it's pouring rain. I heard the familiar ringing in my ears. I drove in silence for..I don't know how long. I can feel the hot tears on my cheeks but nothing else. I just feel numb. I got to the spot I realized I was going to when I was halfway there. I couldn't get out of the car. I just sat and stared. Trying to think of coherent thoughts, but only two things came to mind: One, he still never answered the question. Two, I'm Alone.


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