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Chapter 5: 

~(JADE'S POV) "Just stay away from Niall, ok?" Louis replied. His face was stern and I couldn't help but wonder what was going on.

Louis and Niall are usually friendly acquaintances towards each other and around me. Why the sudden change?

"Um..ok," I said. The class went by extremely slow. Being stuck in between Louis and Niall after what had just happened was the last thing I wanted to do. I kept exchanging awkward glances with Louis, not knowing what to say. I could feel Niall's stare boring into me, but I didn't say anything.

The bell finally rung and I nearly ran out of class.

Second period I had with only Stephanie, so I decided to not over think anything that happened. As break came, I expected it to go as usual, boring and lonely.

I was on my way to my locker when a hand touched my shoulder.

"Hey Jade!" Said an overly eager Stephanie.

"Uh, hi," I said awkwardly.

"Where's Louis?" I wondered aloud.

"Oh he's hanging with some other friends today, so I was thinking you and I could hang out," answered Stephanie.

"Sure..." I said. This is a perfect opportunity to ask what's been going on. As we walked around campus I kick started the conversation,

"Steph, why don't you ever include me with you and Louis?" Her face sunk at the question.

"Jade...it's complicated. You won't understand and you don't need to. Just know that we are still best friends, ok?" She said swiftly and continued walking.

"Best friends? Since when do 'best friends' ignore each other around their boyfriend?" I nearly shouted.

"Jade, calm down!"

"You don't get it Steph! I'm all alone here. I get pushed around by assholes and get stared at and you said you'd be here for me and you're not!" I yelled. I refused to cry. I don't cry in public.

"I'm not obligated to hang out with you, Jade. My whole life isn't dedicated to being with just one person, I can have more than one friend and-"

"Why don't you tell that to Louis!" I shouted.

It went silent.

"You're a jealous bitch," she spat, and walked away. 

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