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Chapter 33:

~(Jade's POV) I woke up to the sound of the door closing. I looked up and saw an empty room and felt an empty house. My eyes scanned the room to a note on the counter. I walked over and picked it up. 'Just made bacon before leaving for work, thought you would want some. Love you, Mom' it read. I found the bacon next to the note and chowed down. I love bacon with a burning passion. Seriously. I took the whole plate and looked at the clock. It's only half past 8 AM. I started to feel how tired my eyes were, and felt an emerging headache. Happy Saturday to you too, emotions. I grabbed another piece of bacon and went to the bathroom to check out the mess of what I must look like. I was correct. I looked absolutely terrible. Bags under my eyes, tear stains on my cheeks, hair messy. Whatever. I hopped into the shower and put on my 'Slow It Down' playlist. 'Kiss Me' by Ed Sheeran came on. Fuuuuuuck no, I thought to myself, not wanting to think about love and kissing and...Louis. I quickly changed it to the next song, 'Being for the Benefit of Mr. Kite,' by my lovely Beatles came on. I sighed, perfect. Absolute insane lyrics with some sort of hidden meaning filled my ears as I let the water run down my naked body. Suddenly I felt extremely vulnerable. And I thought of him. The guy that wrecked me. The one that left me for the dogs. Chris. We had a good relationship. Great, actually. Until he just...blew up. He didn't beat me physically, but mentally, which is worse. He built me up so much throughout our two year relationship, and then one day he just insulted me. Left and right, over and over. I let it go, thinking he was just letting his anger out in the wrong way. But then he avoided me, talked shit behind my back, turned my friends against me, and insulted me even more. Not my best of memories. It was a flip of a switch. So quickly, he made me feel from loved to worthless to shit. After a few months he apologized profusely. And after a few months again I accepted it. We didn't go out again, but we remained friends. We fought a lot as friends, bringing up the past, but sometimes we would hang out like we were dating again...it was weird as fuck. And ever since I moved here, we haven't spoken to each other. Which is a good thing. And as I recollect all of this, as 'Blackbird' by The Beatles plays through my bathroom, I understand why my heart is so guarded. Is it really fair in love and war? I don't want to find out.


Play The Game (A One Direction Fanfiction)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz