Chapter 39

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Go ahead. Laugh at the picture above. I tried, okay? I tried to make Holland (the woman who I casted as Anna) look pregnant. I just got a picture of her and I cut a picture of a pregnant lady and stuck it on Holland. Her arm looks weird because I got the same picture of her and put her arm back on since the dress covered it.

RECAP: Anna gets lost in the woods and finds Elisa's memorial tree. Daniel comes and finds her and tells her to take care of William in worry of Elisa's nearing anniversary. They get back to the house and Charlotte slaps her for making William worry. Anna tells William that she has a son and awaits his reaction.


He froze.

The thumb that had been rubbing my hand stopped and his eyebrows had furrowed. William let go of my hand and I panicked.

"William! I'm so-"

A heart-pounding laugh rocketed around the room and William doubled over, little tears shining in the corner of his eyes. I widened my eyes in shook and fell down to my knees in front of him, grabbing his hands, wondering what was wrong and why what I said was so funny.

"That...that was what made you run out in the middle of the night for?" He looked up at me and smiled, wiping away the tears.

"I...yes. can you be taking this so lightly?"

Will grabbed my hands and kissed them before saying, "Anna, I'm the son of a billionaire. You really don't think I wouldn't have had you investigated?"

Whoa. Whoa. What? He had me investigated?!

"Excuse me?"

"No. No. No! I'm sorry! That came out wrong." He paused. "When we first met, I, of course, was impressed by you. Not only by the way your looks, but by how honest you seemed. I knew by your honesty that you weren't used to your surroundings. I wasn't suspicious, but I just wanted to know more about you, so I had one of my father's lackeys bring up your file. In there, I read that you had maternity checkups and a successful labor after nine months...I also read that you gave up your son for adoption. I was shocked, but...what could I do? It was in the past, and it was nothing I could get mad at you for."

I groaned and threw myself back on the bed. "My gosh, I can't believe this whole time I was worried about you finding out, and you knew the whole time."

William put his head in my lap and I felt him smile against my thigh. "If I'd known you were going to run away, I wouldn't have brought the baby subject up, but I just got so excited. I knew that you had to give up your child for adoption, and I can understand the pain of losing the one you love, but I hope that won't stop you from having more with me?"

I smiled, tears burning in my eyes. "Of course not. Though I may have had to give up one child, I know that I will have more, and, maybe, someday, I'll see Joey again." Hopefully.


The next morning, I awoke to a head on my chest and an arm wrapped around my waist. I poked William's cheek and he groaned, burrowing his face deeper in between my breasts.

"Having fun there?" I asked, looking up at the ceiling, amused.

"Now I can understand why babies can sleep against their mother's breasts. They're so soft. Like natural built-in pillows."

I smirked and ran a hand through William's black hair. "I'm glad you enjoyed them then, but I'd appreciate it if you used a real pillow instead of my boobs."

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