Chapter 4

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The day of the concert

I couldn't sleep the night before... I was too excited. Today, I would get to see The Wanted and maybe they'd get to see me... The thought of it was just too much! At every moment, my mind would wonder. I'd picture Max crouching down on the stage and singing to me, Jay dancing in my direction to make me  dance too, Nathan seeing me in the crowd and taking my hand to kiss it, Tom doing a love heart with his fingers, Siva waving at me.... It sent my inner fangirl levels through the roof (Doesn't take much, though!). 

I wore some skinny jeans (rather uncomfortable in a really warm room) to hide the scratches, my favourite The Wanted shirt in navy blue with a white cardigan I designed with cartoon bubble with The Wanted written inside in a gradually fading blue colour. And of coarse, I wore my doodled Converse. I felt hot already so I tied my hair up in a neat bun, not in one of those huge one's all the chav's wear at school but a small, purposeful bun.

I drove to Manchester in my awkward red car probably from the early 90's. It had several bumps and bashes from a few crashes, I didn't crash it, Alex did, he wont let me drive when he is in the car, he doesn't like me driving full stop, I think he thinks I will drive away from him however he is an awful driver... One time, In the earlier stages of our relationship, I tried to convince him to let me drive but he punched the car, leaving a big dent but it was supposed to hit me instead. I took him to the hospital and he made me say that we were in a car accident to explain the many bruises and cuts on me and the black eye I had got because apparently, I moved out of the way and didn't take what I deserved. 

I headed to my favourite American style diner that served the best chicken wings I've ever had in England but as soon as I could smell the greasy, flavoursome chicken, my stomach flipped and started revolting against me, a little signal to me saying 'eat that and it'll come straight back up'. It does that a lot now, I hardly ever eat. Alex said fat girls are more fun to beat up so I started skipping lunch and breakfast and it became a lot harder to eat anything at all. In the past two years I'd dropped from a size 12 to a size 4, I just told me mum that I was eating healthier and exercising, I didn't think I'd get away with it but she's never really switched on. Sometimes, she would bring me some food and watch me eat, just to know I was eating but I would go straight to the bathroom and it would come right out, sometimes by choice, sometimes it just goes. I didn't choose to be 'an anorexic freak' as some lovely people call me on twitter... It just happened.

I climbed back into my car and started the engine but the car wouldn't move. This big red piece of crap had finally given up on me, on a normal day I'd be delighted because my mum would have to get me a new car but I actually had to get somewhere today. I kept trying to get the engine to come to life but I had no such luck, after a little while, I knew I had to get going otherwise I would be late for the concert so I reluctantly called the tow-truck and they took my car to the garage. I started walking towards the arena and I knew it was quite far away. I could never walk for too long, I didn't have the strength, both from my injuries and my weight. In the end, I called a taxi. 

20 minutes away.

15 minutes away.

10 minutes away.

5 minutes away.


I gave the taxi driver, who claimed the screen that shows how much it costs as you go along was broken, the large fee of £27.98. 

This was it.

I walked through the doors of the west entrance, it was quite quiet considering, I showed the guard my ticket and he pointed in the direction of some large doors

Right. It's time. 

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