Chapter Three-JFK and the other candidates; 1960; (Part Three)

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Edmund  Gerald "Pat" Brown, Sr., (April 21, 1905-February 16, 1996), was the 32nd Governor of California, (1959-67). He wanted to become President of the United States-but he failed to get enough votes to win.


Edmund's father was a San Francisco Irish Catholic; his mother was German Protestant. Edmund, (the same name as his son), and Ida Schuckman Brown, were excellent parents.

      Brown was a debate champion at the elite Lowell Forenic Society at Lowell High School. He was a 1923 graduate.


By 1927, Brown studied law during the evening at the  San Francisco College of Law during the US summer; by 1928, a year later, practiced law in that state.



Brown entered politics a short time later. He knew that the power of others would be difficult for him; he knew that, but he continued down that path without any kind of controversy. He was a man who people liked, respected. 

      And, as a Republican State Assembly candidate, he was sure that he would succeed. But he lost. He then turned to join the Democrat Party. And, by changing sides, he vowed to make a name for himself...through sheer determination. 


Brown was District Attorney of San Francisco. To his dismay, Brady lost to Matthew Brady. **Brady was a District Attorney. He was in office from 1919 until 1943, (when Brady finally defeated him); Brady defeated football player/coach turned politician Charles Marron Fickert (February 23, 1873 – October 19, 1937); **Fickert was famous prosecuting Thomas Mooney and Warren Billings over the infamous "Preparedness Day Bombing attacks" that occurred July 22, 1916, (47 years before JFK's assassination). The attacks caused America to become involved in WWI which was already started in 1914 and wouldn't end until 1918. Mooney and Billings left a "suitcase bomb", (a method popular in the UK, especially during 'The Troubles' decades later), which left forty people severely wounded, and ten innocent people dead. In the end, Rena Mooney, (Thomas's wife?), and Isreal Weinberg, were found "Not Guilty", and released by the San Francisco Court. While Thomas and Billings were hanged, Flicket served until 1920. Brady also was involved on the notorious  Ann Cooper Hewitt 1926 sterilization case. The case was about how the 21 year old  heiress was attacked by her Mother to prevent her from having children); and by 1926, he sent a letter to Governor F. W. Richardson. It stated: 'If these matters that have developed during the trials could be called to the attention of a Court that had jurisdiction to grant a new trial...undoubtedly a new trial would be granted. Furthermore..if a new trial were granted...there would be no possibility of convicting Mooney or Billings'. But, by then, it was too late; it was much too late.

       (Lastly, Brady hired Private Investigator Edwin Newton Atherton, (October 12, 1896 – August 31, 1944), in 1935, to "clean up the San Francisco Police Department). Atherton, was a law graduate at Georgetown University, (the setting for William Peter Blatty's 'The Exorcist'), (1971-written in 1969)); Atherton worked for the Consular Service, (1916)-in the middle of WWI; and Atherton fought in Europe and Jerusalem, and Canada. 

       (By 1924, aged 28, Atherton was a member of the DOJ, (Department of Justice), and worked in the crime cities across America, including New York, Boston, Detroit, LA, and San Francisco. He worked for the new Goverment crime agency called "BOI", (later called the FBI-Federal Bureau of Investigation-which was later 'reformed' by US Attorney-General Robert "Bobby" Kennedy before his own assassination by Sirhan Sirhan in 1968); Atherton was also friends with cross dressing head of the FBI J(ohn Edgar Hoover), (January 1, 1895 – May 2, 1972), who 'modernised' the FBI by 1935; Hoover didn't fight The Mafia-instead he concentrated on fingerprint analysis and bugging. And other "early forensics"-related jobs that made the American civilians safe).


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