Chapter Nine-Kennedy and the candidates; 1960; (Part Nine)

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Post WWII the Symington joined  The Surplus Property Board (1945), working for new President of the United States, Harry S. Truman, (May 8, 1884 – December 26, 1972), (they were both from Missouri). From 1945-6, Symington became the Property Administration Administrator. Then, because of his good work, was promoted to Assistant Secretary of War and Airforce for Air in 1946-7, during the first two years after Adolf Hitler and members of The Third Reich died in the bunkers of Germany.


President Truman, the 33rd man to lead America, was a reformer. Symington's career in the US Military was thwarted by James Vincent Forrestal, (February 15, 1892 – May 22, 1949), the United States Secretary of the Navy, and  the United States Secretary of Defense, (the first man to have that job). The controversy stemmed from constant clashes over aircraft. Forrestal, a native of Matteawan, New York, (now  Beacon, New York), caused anger in his political roles, (especially his anti-Jewish views), which infamously later on, made him paranoid about Isreali Agents tailing him...He was said to utter: Quote: 'No group in this country should be permitted to influence our policy, to the point it could endanger our national security', unquote.

      And, since Isreal became a country on 29 November 1947, (thanks to the  the United Nations General Assembly), it wasn't until David Ben-Gurion  (16 October 1886 – 1 December 1973), was the primary Prime Minister of Isreal, made sure Isreal would break free of Palestine. By 14 May 1948, Isreal was a country. During the infamous Isreal-Arab War of 1948, a lot of blood was shed. And then a new kind of terror gave birth. The terror of "Middle Eastern terrorism".


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The JFK Files: A non-fiction book by Robert HelligerOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora