Chapter Fifty-Seven-Spies and cinemas and arrest; Nov 22 1963

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~~~"I'm almost incapable of lying.. I'd be a terrible spy", UK actor, director Gary Oldman, (March 21, 1958-), who became famous as "Lee Harvey Oswald" in Oliver Stone's "JFK", 1991; Oldman went to play Dracula in Coppola's "Dracula", 1992, and made a career playing bad guys from there on in~~~


*This is how the US Police and US Government's story about their version of the truth went down. Oswald was at The Texas Theatre watching a movie. He ate his popcorn, and drank his coke. He smiled; he laughed; he then saw more police than he could imagine.

      Oswald was stunned.


Johnny Brewer, (b?d?), a shoe shop owner, saw Oswald flee. Oswald hadn't paid for the ticket. The ticket's clerk phoned the police. It was 1:40 pm (Dallas, Texas time). And, from there on, his life was over.


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