Chapter Twenty-Three-The Cuban missile crisis; 1956-October 15, 1962

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~~~Quote: "Communism has never come to power in a country that was not disrupted by war or corruption, or both", unquote, Assassinated US President John F(itzgerald) Kennedy, (May 29, 1917-November 22, 1963).


Khrushchev wanted to "moderrnise" Russia. By February 25, 1956, (six years' before 'The Cold War' led to 'The Cuba Missile Crisis' in 1962), he vowed to move away from Stalin's notorious 'Purges'.

*In the end, Khrushchev lived his last years in a Moscow apartment, where he wrote his political memoirs, (which was seen by Western people), later on. He died in 1971, aged about 77*.


The Russians' plan to help was called "maskirovka". The so-called "secret plans" was so secret, that it was the genesis of 'The Cuba Missile Crisis'. It was two countries against one; it was America versus Cuba and Russia. The "denial and deception" spy campaign fuelled insecurity...and fear for the young US President.

The Russians wore ski boots; fleece-lined parkas; and winter clothes. And equipment, (that mirrored a "James Bond"-type movie).

"Operation Anadyr", (the name of the operation that had links to The Bering Sea), meant that noone in the West would know about it. The Soviets to the Chukotsky District, (to the far-east capital), knowing that they had had succeeded in their mission, and away from American eyes.


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