Chapter Fifty-Four-Lee Harvey Oswald II; November 22, 1963

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~~~Quote: "I hear they burn for murder. Well, they say it just takes a second to die", unquote, US assassin of President Kennedy, and Russian spy, Lee Harvey Oswald, (October 18, 1939 – November 24, 1963", unquote~~~


Before the arrest at the cinema, Oswald, in 1954, aged 15, said, quote: "I was looking for a key to my environment; and then I discovered socialist literature. I had to dig for my books in the back dusty shelves of libraries", unquote.

     Since it was near the time of US Senator Joseph McCarthy's "Communism tirade in the US Senate", Oswald's objective to defect to Russia was the biggest scandal since the "Robert Hanssen incident" in the early 1990's to early 00's in which he spied for that country from 1979 to 2001.


Oswald was a United States Marine Corps, (USMC) member. The date:  October 24, 1956, (when he was 17). By May 1957, aged 18, Oswald attended a  Aircraft Control and Warning Operator Course. He was top 10 of 30 students who excelled in..."...Instruction in aircraft surveillance and the use of radar"; Oswald, by July 1958, aged 19, he was part of  the Marine Corps Air Station (El Toro) base; by September 1957, he was part of  Marine Air Control Squadron 1, (stationed at the Naval Air Facility Atsugi; Japan in Asia).


Earlier, in December of 1956, Oswald was at a shooting range. His scored of 212 was high. He was a "Sharpshooter"; by May 1959, Oswald scored 191, and became a "marksman", (meaning he could take out enemies from short to long range).



Oswald's list of errors was disturbing:

*Oswald shot himself in the elbow with a .22 calibre habdgun;

*Oswald fought a sergeant, (over the shooting); Oswald was demoted. Instead of being a "Private First Class", he was now a lowly "First Class"; Oswald was put in "The Brig" as a punishment;

*Oswald shot into the jungles in The Philippines  with a rifle while on "Night Sentry duty". *Who he was shooting at is a mystery. But Oswald could be venting his rage at the US Military for sending him to Asia...Oswald returned to America and then vowed to defeat once he got back home.


With a nickname of "Ozzie Rabbit", Oswald called himself, quote, "Oswaldskovich", (to sound Russian).

       Lastly, by 1958, Oswald, (in El Toro), "Was to serveil [sic] for aircraft, but basically to train both enlisted men and officers for later assignment overseas." And, according to a US officer, quote, "...Oswald was a 'very competent' Crew Chief", unquote.  Oswald did a Russian language exam. But, when he failed, he was undettered. And, on September 11, 1959, (42 years to the day of the infamous 9/11 US terrorist attacks), Oswald told the US Military, quote: "My Mother needs care", unquote; the US Military believed his false story, (his Mother wasn't ill), and, grabbing several false passports, and with $US1,500, Oswald headed to the Fort Worth, Texas where his Mother was. After several days' he was on a New Orleans ship that lead to Le Havre in France. That date was: October 20, 1959.


Oswald then went to The United Kingdom. Once in England, Oswald had now only $US700 in his pocket. Oswald was now at Southhampton. The date: October 9, 1959. He told the authorities that, quote, "I'm going to a Switzerland school", unquote. But Oswald didn't go there. He, instead, left for Helsinki, Finland. And, amazingly, Oswald was issued with a Russian visa. The date was October 14, 1959.

      Once he got the visa, he travelled by train to Vainikkala, (a small Finnish village near  Lappeenranta South; Karelia; Eastern Finland). And, on October 16, 1959, Lee Harvey Oswald arrived in Moscow, Russia. And his defection was now secured.


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