Chapter Forty-"Do we need to go to Texas for the parade"; November '63

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~~~Quote: "Seeing 'JFK', the Oliver Stone 1991 biopic on The Kennedys, was the inspiration for my 'Non-Fiction' trilogy of political books on America's 'First Family'. When JFK, Jr died in 1999, I was 26 years' old, and struggling to find a way forward in the World. When US Presidents George H W Bush, Sr; George Bush, Jr., sent America to The Gulf War in the 1990's, they said Saddam was evil and must be destroyed; Saddam and his sons were evil. But the US did give weapons to Middle Eastern terrorists in the late 1970's and early 80's. When US President Ronald Reagan took America in 'The New Space race' against the Russians...did the American people object? No. And, did we learn from 'The Gulf Wars?'. The answer is 'No'. And why was US President Bush, Jr reading a book backwards as America burned on 9/11? Evil is evil; death is death; murder is murder. And, as US soldiers will be in The Middle East until 2024, do we still hate  the Boston attackers by Russian/US expats? Yes.  Do we need to stop US psychopaths with assault rifles, knives, and other illegal weapons? Yes. Americans need to understand radicalisation is now the inner threat. Like the Kennedy assassinations, the real enemy is in the disturbed minds of Americans...Not people from The Middle East...Because Islam is here to stay...And it is only the intellectual elite who can understand what I call 'The Belief of the Self'. It is where human beings believe in what they see, read, and pray to in Mosques with the Koran. Or The Bible. It is why, in 2013, it is not 'The End justifies the means'; it is 'The Self murdering The Self', unquote, (Author Robert Helliger, August 4, 1973-).


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