Chapter Fifty-Three-Lee Harvey Oswald (I); November 22, 1963

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~~~Quote: "They have found absolutely nothing to connect us with the Communist Party of the United States...In regards to your question about whether I myself am a I said I do not belong to any other organization", US "patsy" and "turned" Russian spy, Lee Harvey Oswald, (October 18, 1939 – November 24, 1963)~~~

~~~Quote: "Oswald was a patsy for the CIA...They knew he was 'turned' by the KGB, and the Russian Government...That's why by arresting him in the cinema and forcing him to hold the infamous "Carcano rifle" in his right hand, was to show that the US Government knew Oswald was innocent...but they didn't care about Oswald's innocence; they only cared about saving their disturbed secrecy", unquote, (Author Robert Helliger, August 4, 1973-)~~~


And how can one man ruin America? Or the US Government for that matter? The answers are wrapped up in RED TAPE; the answers are ambiguous.


Lee Harvey Oswald, a native of New Orleans, Louisiana, headed to the US Marines. His family included: Robert Edward Lee Oswald, Sr.-his father; Marguerite Frances Claverie,-his mom; and two older brothers: Robert Edward Lee Oswald, Jr.; and John Edward Pic, (a half-brother). Robert Lee Oswald, Sr., passed away when Lee Oswald was 5 in 1944, (in the second last year of WWII).

        After Lee Oswald, (and his family) transported to Dallas, Texas, (1945), he had a disrupted schooling, (at Fort Worth and Dallas, Texas).  One teacher was quoted as saying of Oswald, quote, "On achievement tests in <grades 4 to 6>, he, (Oswald), twice did best in reading and twice did worst in spelling", unquote.


By August 1952, at 12, (*On October 18, 1939-*), he was born, Oswald nearly killed John Pic with a knife in New York City. Oswald and his Mom were forced out of Pic's home., and never returned. As a result, (due to the death of Oswald's dad at birth), he showed, quote, "...A very vivid fantasy life; Oswald loves turning around the topics of omnipotence and power...Through which, <Oswald> tries to compensate for his present shortcomings and frustrations", unquote. *According to Psychiatrist, Dr. Renatus Hartogs*.


Whether Oswald's behavior is violent due to a brain dysfunction, is unknown. Having not knowing his father caused Oswald to have no role models, (save for his brothers). In short, he was as fighting "The Self" inside him. "The Self", which differentiates from Colin Wilson's "The Outsider", (his landmark 1956 book of philosophical discusssions with a main character who speaks about life and looking into the World through his view), (which is recommended by this author), discusses the complexity of "The Outsider"; while "The Self" serves as a, "Introspective examination of the whole person", which shows a more complex desire to learn the behavioral stimuli of the affected person in his inner and outer turmoil.


"The Self", in this case Oswald, is a fragmented man. Oswald comes from a dyfuctional background. He joins The US Marines. And, as he struggles through the US Miltary, noone in the US Military wants Oswald to fail.


      Oswald, a frequent truant, and by US standards, a failure, left school at Year 10 in 1955. He then was involved in Marxism. And, as a way out, he held "Anti-US" views. And, by the end of the 1950's, he defected to Russia.


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