Chapter Fifty-Five-Lee Harvey Oswald III; November 22, 1963

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~~~"Revolutions require work; revolutions require sacrifice. Revolutions...and our own included...  require a certain amount of rationing; a certain amount of calluses; a certain amount of sacrifice", unquote, US-Russian defector, and alleged assassin Lee Harvey Oswald, (October 18, 1939-November 24, 1963)~~~


By October 31, 1959, (Halloween in the US), Oswald arrived at The US Embassy (Moscow). He met with

Richard Snyder, (b?), (a interview officer), and was quoted as saying: "I have made up my mind... I'm through", unquote, and gave back his US passport.

      But, as he did so, he became the target of "US Government watchers".


Oswald went to Moscow University, (Minsk). But he left. Then he met Belarusian President Stanislav Stanislavovich Shushkevich, (December 15, 1934-), (Minsk). Once he made sure Oswald was part of the Russian regime, (he had earlier was a "lathe operator")-(specialising in  space electronics; radios; military; and tv's.


Oswald lived in a quote, "Cheap, Russian factory/apartment". By January of 1961, he had written in his diary: Quote: "I am starting to reconsider my desire about staying...The work is drab; the money I get has nowhere to be spent...No nightclubs; or bowling alleys; no places of recreation except the trade union dances. I have had enough", unquote.


By March, 1963, Marina Nikolayevna Prusakova, (July 17, 1941-), then a young 19 year old Russian pharmacology student of medicine, fell in love with the older 25 year old defector while dancing. The date was: March 17, 1961  *She grew up in  Severodvinsk; she lived with  Ilya Prusakov, (her uncle), from 1957 onwards*.


By April 30, 1961, (less than a month later), both of them got married. By February 15, 1962, they had had daughter called "June Lee". And then they left Russia for Dallas, Texas, USA. But, for Oswald, the hope of a, quote, "Better family life", unquote, (one that was missing since his father's death when he was born way back in 1939), was fraught with danger...and ended in a bloody death on November 24, 1963, (two days' after the assassination of US President JFK), when, after his "set up" by the CIA, he was also assassinated by Mobster Jacob Leon Rubenstein, "Jack Ruby", (March 25, 1911-January 3, 1967), as Oswald was taken to court over the President's assassination...and left Jim Garrison to figure out the insidious corruption that was seeping into all facets of American crime. *In the 1960's, the rise of assassinations that involved religious, political, and defectors were rising...And, even though all talk of "Peace and love" was symbolic of the 1960's six years before "Woodstock" in 1969, and movies like "Easy Rider", (also 1969), was a ruse.

        The 1960's was full of murders so horrific that everyone in the US Government were damned for The Vietnam War; The Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba in 1962; and other controversies that, by the time of the assassinations of Malcolm X, the Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr.; and RFK, *Which will be discussed in more depth in Book Two**, all culminated in a era of disgust. And, to make matters worse, by 1962, the movie of Richard Thomas Condon, (March 18, 1915 in New York City, New York – April 9, 1996 in Dallas, Texas)'s "The Manchurian Candidate", (1959), which starred Francis Albert "Frank" Sinatra, (December 12, 1915 – May 14, 1998), (about US soldiers' being brain washed to assassinate the enemy); *it was remade in 2004 with Denzel Washington*; Condon also wrote "Prizzi's Honor", (1982); *it was filmed in 1985, with Jack Nicholson and Angelica Huston*, and other books, (including "Mile High", 1969), (which was about US  gangsters and Prohibition in the 1930's), was also popular.

         And, by the time Oswald and Ruby was dealt with, America was going to Hell faster than the US Government could cover up their behinds.


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