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 I help Audrey slip on her blue plaid dress she has to wear I put her infront of me and I started doing her hair. "Mommy..what is people are mean?" She asked me. "Honey,you are beautiful and fun to be with,if they are mean to you,you tell Mrs.Amanda,daddy and I,we'll take care of it."

"Okay,mommy. Daddy with beat them,right?" She asked and I laughed a little,"No,then daddy with get in trouble." I smiled and plaid bow in her hair. "Gorgeous." I smiled and kissed her cheek. "You ready to go?" Joe comes in,holding Jake. "Yep." I smiled and picked up Audrey,"You are getting so big!" I smiled and carried her to the car.

 I buckled Audrey in her carseat as Joe got Jacob in the carrier. We got in the car and Joe drove to the preschool.

"Did you guys go to preschool?" Audrey asked.

"I did,but I was 4 when I went." I smiled at her while Joe drove,"Why that early?" She asked. "They didn't allow 3 year olds to start preschool then." I giggled a little. "How bout you daddy?"

"I didn't go to preschool,hun." Joe glanced at Audrey through the rear view mirror. "Why?" 

"Well,grandma didn't have enough money for me to go. Uncle Nick and Kevin didn't go either."

"Does it make you stupid if you don't go?"


"Yes." I joked.

"Hey!" Joe put his warm hand on my thigh and I held it and smiled. "Silly daddy!" Audrey giggled. "Hey!" Joe yelled as someone pulled  infront of him. He honks his horn. "Babe,chill." I put my hand on his leg. He drove past him and gave the guy the finger,"Babe,please,just calm down." I kissed his hand softly.

"What does this finger mean?" Audrey asked pointing to her middle finger.  I glared at Joe,"It's bad,don't do it." He replied. "Okay,daddy." She giggled.

We pulled into the preschool. "Uh oh,it's time sweetheart." I smiled and I got out and help Audrey out. "Thank you mommy." She said and I laugh and held her hand and waited as Joe got Jacob out. We walked inside.

"Hello welcome to the apple tree!" A teacher introduced. I looked at Joe and it look like he was signing Audrey in. "Hey Audrey." a middle-age woman with brown hair comes to us. "Hey Miss Amanda!" Audrey cheered. 

"You must be Mrs.Jonas." She smiled at me,"Correct."  I smiled. "I'm so glad you are doing okay!" She smiled and I smiled back,"Yeah me too."  

"She's all signed in."Joe said with a smiled. "Bye sweetie! Have fun!" I smiled and hugged her and kissed her gently. "Bye squirt." Joe smiled and kissed the top of her head. "Bye mommy! Bye daddy! Bye Jake!" She kissed Jacob's forehead.

We waved then we walked off. I help Joe get Jacob back in the car,then I got in. "Wanna go to the park and take a stroll?" Joe asked,"Sure." I smiled,"Did you bring Jake's stroller?" I asked and Joe nodded and drove to the park.


We got out and Joe got the stroller out and ready and I put the carrier in the stroller,"What a cutie batootie." I smiled and started pushing the stroller along the sidewalk with Joe. Joe put his arm around my shoulders as I put my arm around his waist and layed my head on his shoulder,while pushing the stroller.

"You know I love you so much,right?" Joe smiled at me,"You know I love you so much too,right?" I mocked with a smile on my face. He pecked my lips,then we looked at Jake, who was wiggling around like what babies do. 

"We make cute babies." I smiled as Joe layed his lips on my neck and mumbled a yeah. "Let's keep 2 kids for right now.." Joe said then put his lips back on my neck.

"But you did say you want 6,000 kids with me,Joseph." I laughed and smirked.

"Hey!" He said. I smiled at him innocently. " So how many kids are we aiming for,Demetria?" He asked."How many you want,Joseph." I smirked. He suddenly picked me up,"Since you asked me,I want 6,000 kids from you,beautiful." He said as he pecked my lips.I giggle."You're trying to kill me." I told him."Nope,I just love you that much." He said. (Love Me Like You Do;Chapter 27)

"That was before I knew we would have them early and that I would loose you..""That was before I knew we would have them early and that I would loose you.."

"Well..I'm pretty happy with two kids..definitely a boy and girl." I smiled.

"If you're happy,that's all that matters." He pecked my lips. 

"Mmhmm." I smiled and we stopped and looked at the sun shine hitting the lake. "Demi.." Joe said and I turned to him,"Yeah?" 

He cupped my face and looked me in the eye,"Thank you." He saids to me and I smiled,"For what?.."

"I know I said it before,but I can't thank you enough.." He was still looking at me straight in the eye,while cupping my face,"Thank you for making me the happiest man on this earth. Thank you for not leaving my side when I needed you..thank you for sending me to rehab to get me better. Thank you for giving two amazing children."

I wanted to cry. 

"Aw,baby." I smiled," I should be thanking you..If you didn't make me realize I needed help,I wouldn't be in the life I am living in right now-I'd probably be dead. Thank you for making me happy and giving two children to love,I wouldn't want to have anyone elses baby." I smiled and wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him. "Except if Channing Tatum would come and ask me to have his child." I laughed a little.

"Don't ruin the moment." Joe smirked.


Hope you like it!

Now off to a nap lol


World of Chances. [Jemi.]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin