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{{This is the last time I’m asking you this,put my name on the top of your list..}}

(a/n I would recommend you listen to that song by Taylor Swift,it's called,"The Last Time" ;;))

A year later.

Joe's POV:

"Thank you officer." I sighed,I grabbed my stuff and headed out,I was finally released. Jail was hell,people were rude and the fucking food was discusting,they made me buzz my head.

But the good thing is that i am over my addiction,I can't tell you why I started the drugs,it was selfish of me,I got stressed from taking care of four kids,I'm an asshole,I know.

I was starving! I headed to McDonald's and got me some food.

Once I was done,I headed to my house,I knocked on the door,a older couple,"Um,hello..is um..Demi Lovato-Jonas there?" I asked,confused. "Not anymore." The lady said.

"Fuck,thanks." I smiled and headed to Nick's,I knocked on the door,"Hell--o..Hey dude,nice buzz  cut." Nick complimented. "Thanks,where is Demi?" I asked,point on.

"She's living..you know.." He bit his lip,"Nick,tell me where my fucking wife is!" I charged. "Ex wife." he corrected,I looked at him,hurt,"Ex?..How could she divorce me when I didn't even sign any papers?!"

"She got an annulment,Joe..She got approved and she's done with you." Nick said to me,I sat down on the steps,"She gave up,just like that?.."

"Joe,you hit her and Audrey,she did it for the safety of the children..she's tired of your bullshit..You have to realize she had a World of Chances for you,chances you were burning through.." Nick patted my back.

I sighed,"Where is she?" I looked at him,"I d-d-don't know.." He looked at me,I got up,"You do know,you're her best friend,She tells you everything. Please."

Nick sighed,"She took the kids and moved to Dallas Texas.." 

I looked down and bit my lip,"Thanks,bro." I hugged him and got a taxi to the airport.

Demi's POV:

"Tha!" Mason pointed to the toy,I laughed,"You want the toy,buddy?" I handed him the toy and he starts chewing on it,"Careful bud." I smiled.

"Hey mommy." Jake ran and sat on my lap,"Hey cutie batootie." I kissed his cheek. "I'm hungry,mommy.." he wrapped his arms around my neck.

"You are?"  I smiled and layed my head on his forehead gently,"Yes mommy!" he giggled,"Would you like Mac 'n' Cheese or..." I started tickling him,making him laugh.

"Mommy stop!! I want Mac 'n' cheese!!"  he yelled,I laughed,"Okay!" I put him down and headed to the kitchen and started macking the mac 'n' cheese. "I WANT SOME TOO MOMMY!!" Audrey yelled from her room upstairs.

"OKAY,SWEETHEART." I yelled back. 

I feel guilty that the kids don't have a dad,but I felt like a weight had been lifted off my shoulder,cause I don't have to worry about being hurt.

"Mommy! Logan is here!!" Audrey ran downstairs.

Logan Henderson is one of my closest friends,he's been helping me with the kids,we're not dating,just best of friends.

"Go answer it,sweetie." I smiled. Audrey opened the door,"LOGAN!" She yelled and hugged him,"LOGGY!" Jake ran to Logan.

"Hey buds!" He picked them up and kissed both of their cheeks. "Hey Dems,you have a interview in 30 minutes,remember?" Logan reminded me,"Oh yeah! Thank you so much! The mac and  cheese is almost done,and Skylar is in her crib,taking a nap and Mase is on his play pin playing,so I'll see you girls and guys later." I kissed everyone's cheek and got in my car and headed to the interview.

I parked my car and rushed to the dressing room to get changed. I put on an aqua one shoulder dress with a black bow belt and some black platform heels. I put on my jewelery and people did my makeup and hair.

"Please welcome the beautiful Demi Lovato!"  Jim introduced and I went on stage and waved to the crowd."Hey!" I hugged him and then sat down.

"Well,how are you?" Jim smiled,"I'm awesome,you?" I smiled,"I'm awesome,so let's talk your new record." he said. "Yeah,It was actually was suppose to be out last year,but I was busy with the pregnancy and things,and then this year,it's all calm,so it seemed perfect." I laughed.

"It came out 2 months ago,and it's still the NUMBER ONE Album in the US." Jim smiled,I clapped,"Yay!" I laughed.


"Thank you so much,my lovatics are awesome." I smiled.

"Now,let's talk about your love life,Logan Henderson,from Big Time Rush have been seens going to your house."

"We're just friends,he's a great guy,he is helping me with the kids,just friends." I smiled,"The only guys in my life right now are my sons to be completely honest." I laughed.

"Do you think you'll ever find the right one and remarry?" 

"Um..no..One,because it's kind of hard finding a guy who is okay that you have 4 kids,and you don't want anymore,cause maybe they want some of their own and two,I don't really think I'm wife material." I laughed a little.

"Well,I don't believe that,you're beautiful." he complimented,I blushed,"Well thank you."

"I like your hair." he smiled,I laughed a little,"Thank you,I got it darker and shorter." I laughed.

"I love it,it looks good on you." he smiled,"Demi Lovato everybody! Make sure to get her recent album DEMI in stores now." We got up and hugged each other. "Thank you."

I went and changed back to the clothes I came in. I got in my car and headed home.

I got out of the car and headed to my front door,I stopped when I saw Joe sitting on the steps."Hey.." he looked at me,"Hey...um..you need to go.." I looked at him.

"Demi,can we talk?" He stood up and I was fidgeting my key to the door lock,"What is there to talk about Joe? Nice buzz cut,by the way." I sighed.

"Nice haircut yourself. Demi,we need to talk about everything..us..the kids--" I turned around and looked at him,"US?! US!? You really think we are still an US? It's YOU and ME,not US. We haven't been an US in a year,Joe."

"We can fix that.." he bit his lip,"We can't fix nothing,Joe! You promised me,we would be together forever and go through things that come our way together,you vowed not to hurt me! You broke that promise,you can't fix anything,but yourself." I looked at him,"How the hell did you even find me?" I wiped my eyes.

"I went to our home,the lady said you weren't there anymore,so I went to Nick and he told me,and then I just happened to find your house. Babe,please,give me another chance."

I looked at him.

"I gave you ten million chances,Joe! I remarried you and that still didn't work! I'm done falling back in your arms! I made a mistake going back to you when I could of stayed with Zac." I sighed.

"Demi,I know you love me,the kids probably wanna see me." he sighed,"It's been a year,Joe...I don't think I love you anymore..after the way you treated me and my daughter...and Audrey told me specfically that she never wants to see you." I crossed my arms,"YOU LEFT ME,JOE. YOU DIDN'T HAVE THE BALLS TO STICK AROUND AND HELP ME WITH 4 CHILDREN,BUT INSTEAD YOU TURNED TO FUCKING DRUGS AND ALCOHOL." I yelled.

Joe looked at me,I looked at him.

"It's not over." he said and kissed me passionately with his hands cupped on my face,I put my arms around him,kissing back.


SEE,I could never break Jemi up ;)


This one is dedicated to iloveyoudemetrialove :)

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