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I locked my hand into Joe's and we headed to the  office building. "Can we go to a nail salon afterwards?" I smiled."Ugh,why?" Joe groaned. "I wanna get my nails done." I smiled at him and he sighed,"Fine." 

"Can I get my nails done too mommy?" Audrey smiled at me and I nodded my head yes. We walked into the office. "Hello Mr. and Mrs.Jonas." This guy shook out hands. "Hello." I smiled and sat down next to Joe. "So when are you planning on doing your free concert  at my stadium?"

"We were thinking about tomorrow at 3." Joe said and I nodded my head while the man started writing stuff down on his paper. "Okay,that's a good day and time."

"Excellent." Joe smiled,"So we will see you tomorrow." the guy shook our hands and we headed out to the nail salon.

"Welcome to urban retreat. How may we help you today?" The lady welcomed us as we walked in. I looked at the menu. "Ooh,I want a back massage!" I smiled,"and a medicure."

"Alright.,come with me." This lady led me to the back and I got ready for my back rub.


2 hours later we were having tacos at this place. "I love my nails,mommy!" Audrey showed me her pink fingernails. "Pretty baby." I smiled and kissed her forehead. "These tacos are soo good!" Joe said and I laughed a little. "How do you think Nick is doing?.." I looked at Joe.

He shrugged,"I'll call him." He got out his phone and called Kevin and put it on speaker while he was eating. "Hello?" Kevin answered.

"How is Nick doing?.." I asked.

"Here." Kevin handed the phone to Nick. "Hello?"

"Hey bro. How you feeling?"

"She said no. How could she say no?...How could she not be ready? Whyyyyy?" Nick said and I looked down. "Bro..I'm sorry..you deserve someone better if they don't love you.." 

"I want to be married.." Nick sighed.

"You'll find that girl,Nick. You're still young."

"Thanks Demi..I gotta go..I'll talk to you soon." Nick hangs up.

"Let's go home in two days." I looked at Joe,then took a bite of my taco. "Why?.." Joe looked at me and I stood up and threw Audrey's and I's trash away. "Your brother needs you.."

"He's has Kevin."

"So,you would want him if that happen to you." I sighed. Joe threw his trash away,"Okay if that's what you want."

"Okay."I  pecked his lips and I held his hand has he held Audrey's hand with his other and we walked to our inn.

"Can we watch Rapunzel mommy?!" Audrey looked at me and I nodded my head yes with a smile and we bought the movie on netflex. We sat on the couch and I was feeding Jacob. 

I suddenly heard my stomach rumble. "Be right back." I rushed to the bathroom.

Joe's POV.

I heard a loud noise in the bathroom. "Be right back sweetheart." I paused the movie and went to the bathroom that Demi went in. "Are you alright?" I looked at her,she was on  floor by loo. "My stomach hurts.." she whined. "You don't think?.."

"No...I think it's food poiso--" She then throws up again and I held her hair back. "Thanks." she said out of breath. "You feel hot. How bout you go get your pajamas on and I'll get you a cold wet towel." She nodded and got up and changed into her pajamas.

She was in bed when I came back with the towel. I put the trashcan next to her and put the cold rag on her forehead. I kissed her cheek a couple of times,then I went back to Audrey and she was asleep. I laughed and picked her up and put her on her bed and tucked her in. I kissed her forehead softly.

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