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I woke up from my nap and I was still in the basement,it was quiet. I turned on the tv and it said the hurricane was over. "Yay!" I said but then I noticed Joe and Audrey weren't here.  I picked Jacob and carried him upstairs. Half of our house is gone. "Fuck."

"Sorry,Jake." I kissed his head then put him on the crib. I sat in a chair in the nursery and called up Joe.

"Hey you have reach Joe Jonas. Sorry I didn't answer your call,I might be busy. Leave a message and I'll call you back as soon as I can."

Dang it,voicemail. I called again,voicemail.

My phone rang,I got butterflies in my stomach,I answered,"Hello?"

"Hey Demi,you guys alright?" Nick asked. "I am. But Joe..he's not answering his phone!"

"Where did he go!?"

"He went to pick up Audrey." I broke down crying.

"Demi,I'm getting a plane ticket NOW,I'm coming."

"Thank you!"

"See you later!" Nick hung up.

My cell phone rang again,"Hello?" I answered,hopeful.

"Is this the wife of Joseph Adam Jonas and the mother of Audrey Faith Jonas?"

"This is she."

"This is the New Jersey Hospital,we have you husband and daughter  here."

"I'm on my way."

"No mam'..it's too dangerous out there,debris is everywhere,we're on our way to pick you up."

"Okay thank you." I hung up and got Jacob in his baby carrier and I waited.


"Thank you so much." I went inside the hospital. "Demetria Lovato Jonas." I checked in.

"Your daughter is okay and awake,your husband is still in surgery." the lady said,"Thank you,what room?" "C33."

"Thanks!" I rushed to room C33. 


"Hey baby." I smiled, I put the baby carrier down. and I hugged her gently. "Why do I have this on my arm?"

"It's a cast,you broke your arm and you have to wear that for it to heal."

"What if my friends make fun of it?"

"You made friends?"

"Yeah,Sophie and  Lexi. What if they make fun of me,mommy?"

"Then they are not good friends. Can I sign it?"

"Yes,of course,mommy!"

I smiled and got a sharpie from my purse and went and signed  her cast. "I love you babby. Stay Stronggg Love Mommy." I wrote then I drew a small heart. "I love it mommy." she smiled . "I love you.." I smiled.

"How's daddy?"

"I don't know,baby. The nurse hasn't told me.He's still getting surgery."

"Oh.." She looks down. 

"Mrs. Jonas." A  nurse comes in,"Yeah?"

"Joe  is done with his surgery. He's in room R32."

"Thanks. Mommy will be okay." I kissed Audrey's forehead and picked up the baby carrier and went to room R32.

There he was,in the hospital bed,he has bruises everywhere,he even had a bandage around his head. I sighed," Hey baby." I kissed his cheek softly.

He pulled away,"Who...whoo are you?.."

"I'm Demi,your wife."

"I'm not married."

"Babe,what's the matter?..You are married..to me."


"Joe this isn't funny."

"Who is Joe? Where am I? Why is there a baby?"

"Your Joe. You're in the hospital and this is your son."

"I'm not married. I'm 18."

"No.you're 24."


I hit the doctor button.

"What is the matter with my husband?"

"What do you mean?"


"No need to yell,Miss. Turns out..Joe had long term memory lost..memories might come back over time." 

"You mean..he can't remember anything?"


"Then why does he think he is 18?.." 

"He probably remembers everything from til he was 18."

"Thanks.." I looked at Joe,I grabbed the baby carrier and went to the waiting room.


"Omg,Demi! I am so sorry,I tried to rush here as I can. What's the info?"

"Audrey broke her arm...but...Joe...has long time memory lost...I...I..lost my husband,Nick." I wiped my eyes.

"Demi..." Nick pulled me into a hug and I cried on his chest,"He thinks he is 18..and the doctor said he probably remembers everything up to when he was 18."

"That means he would of remember you?.."

"No...he was 19 and I was 18 when we met."

"And Audrey..she loves her dad..poor thing has been through alot..from Joe going to rehab ,to me going in a coma by giving birth and now this. Poor thing."


"What did I do to deserve this?..I never did any harm..I lost Lucas and now I lost the memory of my husband."

"I thought everything was getting perfect. Audrey was going to Preschool. Joe and I were together,happily."

"Demi, maybe you can try and make him fall in love with you again.."

"Nick,this isn't the vow.."

" I know,but you can atleast try.."

"What about the children,Nick? He still won't remember his kids." I sighed.

"If he falls in love you,he will accept that he has kids."

"This is too stressful." I sighed,"And I have no home,half of my home is gone."

"Do you have insurance?"

"Of course."

"Then don't worry."


Don't you just love Nick? :p



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